Somebody Else

90 4 0

Pairing - Joel Miller x Young!Daughter!Reader

Summary - Joel thinks nothing of your bad mood and coughing, thinking it to be just a cold - oh how wrong he turns out to be.

Warnings - child death, major character death, Joel's upset and in denial

Word count - 2k words of pure and utter heartbreak

Request: going to be so your fic the end of all things, but Joel doesn't suspect that shes sick, so she ends up like a runner

im not sorry for the angst

A/N - Anon, is everything okay at home? cause this is :)  this is very depressing...anyway you know me im a bitch for angst :) This is a sad one, like sadder than the end of all things i fear, although i tried a cheerier ending, let me know what you all think!


Joel hadn't thought very much of the mood you were in, thinking that you were just having an off day, he couldn't blame you - who wouldn't find themselves having a couple off days in this world. He had assumed that you had just caught a cold, since you refused to wear a jacket when you went out playing - It at least explained the sudden cough you had contracted. 

"No," You said, pushing your plate away from you. Joel sighed as you shoved the plate away from you for the 3rd time that night. He had been struggling recently since him and Tommy split up, you were much easier to keep track of with another set of hands.

"Come on baby, just one more," Joel tried to persuade you. It was unlike you to not finish off your dinner, but you hadn't been outside at all today, instead opting to sit up in the bathroom, staring at the tiles, which confused your dad. You scrunched your face up in anger and slammed your hands down on the table.

"No!" You yelled. Joel was taken back by your sudden bout of anger. In your entire 7 years of living, you had never shown any aggression or violence towards anyone. Deciding it wasn't worth upsetting you further, Joel sighed in defeat, accepting that he wasn't going to win against your resistance to eating another forkful of vegetables. As he walked to the kitchen, Joel noticed your leg and arm both simultaneously spasm, which he noted as unusual, it wasn't something that you regularly experienced. A feeling of unease began to settle in his tummy as he thought of the infection that had caused the collapse of the entire world - No. You wouldn't, you couldn't have it. You were only a baby, not really, but you were your dad's baby - He couldn't lose you. Joel watched as you grumbled to yourself, bumping into the dining room door. Putting the plates in the sink, he went over to you.

"Hey, look at me, baby girl," Joel said softly, crouching down in front of you. He noticed that your eyes had taken on an almost cloudy appearance. "Let's get you to bed, okay? You can have your bath tomorrow." He picked you up, watching as you appeared to study his face - you tried your hardest, but through your ever decreasing eyesight, you really couldn't make much out of your dad's face. You wanted to communicate that you were frightened, but could only come out with whines and struggling in your dad's arms. Joel's grip tightened on you, so you wouldn't fall. "Woah, easy, baby. It's okay, daddy's got you." He assured you, carrying you up the stairs to your bedroom, since your dad and uncle's separation, you now had your own room.

You refused to let him change you into pyjamas, kicking and fighting with him as he tried to help you change. So taking your refusal as a sign, Joel just got you tucked into bed. "Let's hope you're feelin' better tomorrow, baby," Your dad said, sitting on the side of your bed, watching as your cloudy eyes stared out into nothing. You simply grumbled in response to him, having no reaction when he kissed your forehead. "I love you baby girl." He told you, smiling at you.

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