You'll Float Too! {B.Denbrough}

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You try to ignore the pain from the sharp branches as you run through the dark and damp forest. If only Richie hadn't been such an ass to you, you might not be in your uncomfortable predicament. In all seriousness, you regret your decision now. You come to an abrupt stop when you hear a branch snap.

"H-He-Hello?" You stutter out. It was the stutter that got in you into your position, Richie had just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. It wasn't his fault, he didn't know how sensitive you are about it. "I-I-Is a-anyo-ne t-there?" You say. An unsettling laugh makes your head turn in another direction.

"Hiya Y/n" A voice says. You see a tall figure lurking in the shadows, only visible due to the fog that highlights their posture. The figure walks forward and reveals one of your biggest fears, a fucking clown. "Isn't it a little cold to be out here?" He asks you.

"W-W-What the f-fu-fuck d-do you w-w-want?" You ask it.

"I want to be friends with you" He says, starting to walk towards you. You stumble back, eventually tripping over your own feet and falling back with an 'oof'. "Do you not want to be my friend, Y/n?" It asks you. Your eyes fill with fear as you push yourself back, shaking your head profusely.

"N-No" You answer. The clown frowns and pretends to cry.

"You make Pennywise sad" It says. Your instincts kick in and you push yourself up off of the ground, running past the clown and the opposite way, out of the forest and into a dark, crumbling house that looks hundreds of years old. You run up the creaky stairs and hide under the rusty bed. Your eyes clench tightly, wishing, hoping, praying, for your dad to turn up and save you. The clown can't find you here can it? It can't have followed you, right? Wrong. You turn around and see the white faced clown staring you into the face. You scream and roll out from under the bed, standing up. You look under the bed and see it has disappeared. You let out a deep breath, thinking you're in the clear. You walk forwards, not noticing the gaping hole you're walking down into. You fall back and scream as you fall onto the previously broken table. You're breathing's heavy as you pull yourself up, noting to pop your wrist back. You go to leave and find your dad again, but the rumbling from the fridge grabs your attention. The door opens, revealing the same damn clown. But this time's different, you're paralysed with fear.


Bill sits down on the couch, his knee bouncing rapidly.

"W-W-Where the f-f-fuck is she?" He says. Ben, Eddie and Beverly's heads turn to the guilty looking Richie standing in the corner.

"I-I said something I shouldn't have" He admits. Bill stands up and walks towards Richie.

"W-What the hell did y-you say to h-her" Bill says. Richie sighs.

"I told her to hurry the fuck up and to stop being a stuttering idiot" Richie says, the image of your hurt face sticking in his head. His words anger your father, making him punch Richie across the face. Richie doesn't fight back, knowing fine well he deserves it. Richie goes to speak, but Bill's ringtone interrupts him. Bill rushes over to his phone and picks it up upon seeing your name and contact picture on his phone.

"Y/N? W-Where are y-you?" Bill asks.

"D-Daddy, p-please h-he-help m-me." You say. Bills heart stops when he hears how scared you sound.

"I-I'll help you baby, j-just t-tell me wh-where you a-are" He says.

"T-The house on N-Neibolt street" You say. Bill opens his mouth to respond, but your scream makes his stomach do somersaults. The phone hangs up and the room fills with a deafening silence.

"We need to go" Bill says, grabbing his jacket and running out of the inn. No one dares to disagree with the distressed father. Everyone follows as Bill leads then to the house they fought in those 27 years ago.


You curl up in a ball as you hear some old fashioned carnival music start up. It sounds like the music that would play when your dad took you on the carousel at the local fair when it was in town. The situation wasn't the best, but the music calmed you, which was odd. An orange light gets your attention and you feel drawn to watch it, almost as if you have no choice.

You try to scramble away as it runs towards you, it's hands extended out like claws ready to grip you tight and rip you apart, but yet you don't move. It's like it's holding you there, in place. It's hands grip around your throat, cutting off your air supply. You claw it's hands, mustering up all your strength to try and get yourself loose of it's death grip.

"Y/n!" You hear a voice say. You look to your left and see your dad and all his friends, weapons in hand and ready to fight. The clown holding you in his hands opens his mouth, revealing a white light inside. It looks so enticing to you. You look into it and feel a pleasant warm sensation, almost numb. You fall into a sleep, and it's the best feeling ever.


Bill watches in horror as your eyes glaze over and you begin floating into the air. He looks round to his group of friends, seeing a particularly guilty looking Richie standing and looking up at you, horror written all over his features. The losers know what they have to do. They all nod to each other as they begin their attack on the clown.


As the losers take in the events of the past minutes, their minds remember a crucial person, you.

"Y/n!" Bill almost screams. All of their heads shoot upwards and look for you.

"She's there" Beverly says, pointing out your distinct sneakers. Bill sees that you're still relatively close to the ground, remembering from previous experience that you could come back. Bill motions for Ben and Mike to give him a boost up. He grabs your ankle and pulls you down, and you seemingly weigh nothing. He pulls you down and his stomach stops when he sees how lifeless you are. Your glazed over eyes, skin as pale as a sheet and your hair floating in all directions.

"Y-Y/n? C-Come on, i-it's d-dad" He says to your unresponsive body. "Y/n come on, you g-gotta get up" He pleads, yet nothing. "Y/n? B-b-baby?" He tries. You remain unresponsive. Richie's heart stops, if only he hadn't been such an ass. The losers watch on as Bill breaks down in tears. "W-Why isn't she waking up? B-Be-Bev w-woke up" He says. The group remains speechless. Bill turns back to you and lets out a loud sob, his heart breaking. He sobs into your shoulder, not opening his eyes to look up at you once. But unbeknownst to him, your eyes return back to their lively Y/E/C, your skin returns back to a healthy colour and your hair goes back down to your sides. Your knees buckle unexpectedly and your dad goes down with you.

"D-Dad?" You say, your voice groggy. Bill lifts his head away and laughs in relief at the site of you.

"Oh t-thank God you're okay" He says, moving your head so he can look at you. Your eyes are half closed, but he can tell your alive, at least. "I-I thought I lost you" He says.

"I-Is it gone?" You ask him. He nods in response to your question. You look behind you and see Richie sitting by Eddie's body. You wince and Bill puts your head down. "I-Is h-he?" Bill doesn't answer, and he just nods in response.

"it's okay, Y/n. I'm here, I'm always going to be here" He says, running his hand down your hair.

"I-I'm s-sorry daddy. I shouldn't have run away, maybe then your friend would still be alive" You say, blaming yourself for Eddies death.

"Y/n, we had to kill the clown anyway. It wouldn't have mattered, you just happened to be the thing to spar him on" Bill says. You nod in understanding. Bill picks you up and carries you bridal style. He nods to the rest of the losers and Richie picks up Eddie, carrying him out. The group of you leave the sewer, not looking back on the sewer, or on Derry.

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