Misery Business; A.Barber (Defending Jacob)

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Warnings; No major spoilers for the first three episodes of Defending Jacob, Murder, some angst, yelling

I changed this from the storyline a little and changed the request a little, let me know if you don't like this and I can change it!

Word Count; 2.2k


You weren't quite old enough to understand the full extent of what your older brother, Jacob, was being accused of. He was 5 years older than you, making you 9 years old. The day your school was put into lockdown when they found Ben's body was one of the scariest days of your life.

"Be careful, don't spill the paint anywhere!" The teacher warned the table up the back. You reached for the black paint, but the rolling down of the windows caught your attention. The principal started to talk through the TA system. "Okay, Okay everyone, line up against the wall," You sat against the wall and grabbed your phone, seeing a message from your brother.

Jacob; Is your class okay?

Y/N; What's going on? 

Y/N; and yes

Jacob; I don't know, I tried to call mom but she never answered. Try and call dad.

Y/N; I'm scared, what's happening

Jacob; It's okay. You're safe

You clicked away from Jacob's contact and then called your dad.

"Y/N? Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked.

"Is-Is there someone in our school?" You asked him.  

"Have you talked to your brother?" He questioned. You nodded, even though it was a phone call he had a feeling that you had nodded. "Give a minute and I'll check what's going on, okay sweetheart? You'll be fine," He assured you. He checked to see if there was anything about a shooter or anything that would cause harm to either of his kids, there was nothing. "There's nothing I can see, but I have to go, keep talking to Jake, okay? Don't be scared," He said.

"O-Okay, I love you,"

"I love you too, Y/N," He hung up. Andy sighed as he put his phone down, then it rang again. His heart dropped when they said a body had been found in the woods that you and Jacob walked through to get to school every day. It dropped further when they said that it was the body of one of Jacob's classmates. The principal had told everyone to go to the assembly hall and that if anyone had any siblings, to meet up with them because they would be getting picked up by their parents. As your class filed into the hall, you got on your tippy-toes to try and look for your brother. You were pretty small for a 9-year-old, it was why your parents were scared of losing you, you would get lost so easily. You wandered around trying to find Jacob, but you just couldn't see him, it was beginning to get tiring. You sighed defeatedly and slumped your shoulders, going to ask a teacher to help you.

"Y/N Barber," You heard your name being called from the podium. You looked up and found your brother standing beside the principal, his face laced with worry. You weaved through the crowds and up to the stage stairs where Jacob was standing.

"Jacob!" You barreled into your brother and wrapped your arms around him.

"Hey Y/N/N. It's okay, you're okay," He assured you. You nodded and sniffled. "There, you're fine! You spoke to dad, you know that nothing bad's gonna happen," He continued.

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