7: A hell of a ride

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The red SUV car stopped at the front entrance and I was the first out of the car. Almost stumbling to the ground from my wobbly legs and frozen heart.

I took a few minutes trying my best to catch my breath. My mouth opening systematically to take in gulps of air. A method my psychiatrist had taught me to help control panic attacks.

"Are you okay?" I heard the same voice that had been flowing in and out of my head for like the past fifteen minutes.

He was standing next to me and looking at me. Thanks I had a hoodie shrouding most of my face and still a glass concealing half my face or else he would have been able to see the struggling look on my face.

"I'm fine" I tried to mutter and began walking to school. It was such a miracle I could still even talk right night. Maybe it wasn't that big of a panic attack after all.

He didn't leave instead he followed after me "do you get car sick? I could tell you were very uncomfortable in the car?"

"I do" I answered casually. My panic had subsided, only a nauseous feeling was left.

"So that's why Tyla rides a bicycle" I could have sworn I heard him mutter under his breath but when I turned his lips were sealed and a small smile hung on the corner of the luscious thin baby pink lips, just imagine those lips on...

Uhh! What am I thinking!

This is wrong. This is so wrong!

After that day, I promised myself in front of my dad's tombstone that I was going to give up on this crush I was having. It had cost me too much. It would be heartless to forget all that was lost and keep wishing to have a happily-ever-after with Prince charming—my guilt wouldn't even let me.


The bell rang signalling the start of class. Everyother student in the yard all began their sprinting to get to class.

"Thanks for the ride anyways. I should... um... u_probably get to class" I thanked and sprinted away.

Goodbye Crush.

This was going to be the end. I would make sure of it.

"Where have you been?" Tyla queried whispering as I slid into the sit next to her. Thank goodness I was just right in time before Mrs Ford started her lecture.

"To your house and back" I responded through gritted teeth. I was kind of angry I had met her shadow and not her. She ditched me to go meet her boyfriend. How could she forget rule no 1. Hoes before Bros.

"I'm sorry Syl, Adrien had a bit of a situation. I had to rush over. I forgot to charge my phone last night so I couldn't call you cause my phone had died" She whispered back apologetically.

I sighed. Not really angry though. How could I be angry at my best friend over such a trivial issue. Plus I know how much Adrien meant to her.

"How's that buffoon? Is he good?"

Tyla nodded "Just his parents being their usual selves. They almost put ink on the paper earlier. I had to go comfort him"

"Really?" As much as Adrien was Tyla's boo. He was still a very good friend of mine, so I equally knew of his parents never ending squabble. They have been on opposite ends for years and seemed to be dragging out their divorce for reasons only best known to them. When we were in middle school. Adrien would get really sad whenever the divorce was brought up but as time went by he had gotten used to it still it was heartbreaking know about an impeding separation.

It was like that for me too, when Dad and Mom would have their frequent arguments. I remember going day with the fear that they would separate. How ironical they did get separate but not in the way I imagined.

"How's he doing?"

"He's fine. At least on the outside. He tries to act all tough and badass but I could tell he's hurting. He love his mum and dad so much it breaks his heart to chose among them." She said with a sigh. Her mood a bit dampened from the thought of his dilemma.

"We should go to the dock" I proposed with a smirk.

"The dock?" She looked up and her eyes told she had gotten my hidden meanings. A smile broke it's way to her lips, she couldn't even stop a chuckle from escaping her lips.

"That sounds like a good idea. Don't tell Adrien. We'll make it a surprise_"

"You two over there!" Mrs Ford's voice broke into the conversation.

Everyone turned and yep she was pointing to I and Tyla. She must have noticed us discussing. Her face had a deep frown—not like I've ever seen a smile on it but this frown was deeper, making her even more scarier than she already was.

"What was my last statement?" She asked standing akimbo.

I and Tyla stood from our seats. We had no answer to her questions. Obviously.

"No answer?" She asked again then added shortly "That's half your assessment score and just earned detention after school."

Half the assessments score?

No kidding!

I wasn't even sure I could score up to half in the first place, now that I have lost half doesn't that mean I wasn't going to pass the class at all.

"Ma'am_" Tyla started but was cut off.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Sit and refrain from further distracting my class or I'll directly send you out"

What distraction? We were whispering below our breathes. The people around us couldn't even hear what we were saying so how were we distracting the class?.

Great! What a way to end the week.


After the numbers of classes we had to sit through, the bell rang from the close of the day.

Student rushed out of the classes and flooded the hallway. Before anyone could leave the premises, the intercom gave off a sound.

"Students St Franch High, can I have your attention!" Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked up at the small sized speakers inserted into the wall.

"We have an important information to pass out. As a custom, The basketball team are hosting their 15th Seniors 3-days Beach camp and it's scheduled to hold Two weeks from now. All Seniors are adviced to get the required consent forms signed by their parents and submitted to the school before then. Failure to present the signed consent form would directly mean exemption from the camp. Let's all get prepared. Happy weekend Pulsars and Go Pulsars!"

Following the announcement, shouts and joyous exclamation erupted in the whole hall. Who didn't know of the 3-day Beach camp. I was in the second year of middle school when the last one happened but still I remember the excitement it gave the seniors then and the anticipation it gave us to become seniors too.

Pulsar would hold a 3-days Beach camp every three years. Strictly only to Senior. Even with the supervision of a few teachers, one still knew what to expect at the beach camp.

It was sure going to be a hell of a ride.

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