15: Happy to skip

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Following the unexpected discovery. Tyla and Adrien took turns teasing the hell out of me. There was no restrictions laughing to my heart's content, it was like a load had been lifted off my shoulders. All the worries I had about telling her came to and end and most especially in a very unique way. Tyla wasn't disgusted by my crush.

Speaking of disgust...

I ended up telling Tyla and Adrien what Belle had said to me.

"What?! That bitch!" Tyla shrieked angrily. She jumped to her feet and placed her hands on her waist. "I hope you smacked her on the face?"

I shook my head "I might not have smacked her physically but I sure did return the favor"

A proud smile appeared on her lip " really? What did you say to her?" I recounted what my words were—not exactly though, I had uttered them in a fit of anger that I couldn't even remember the words I used but still I recounted the general idea and even Tyla couldn't help but gasp in shock.

"Burn! Damn Syl! You literally burned her ego. I'm sure she's gonna hate you for that for the rest of her life"

"That isn't new" it really wasn't. Belle has had a problem with my existence like i have had with hers since she and Lucas came to live with us.

"Well she got that coming. Who told her to say my bestfriend wasn't desirable? My best friend is the most amazing girl I have ever seen. Every guy who doesn't love you should go have his brain checked." Tyla complimented heartily while bear hugging my arm. I could not help but laugh and so did all of us.

The night was half spent still we stayed up talking about everything and anything. At least Tyla and I did. Adrien got bored gossiping with us girls so he left to go play PS in the game room. Nevertheless, we had fun talking just the two of us. One way or the other, every topic we brought up always ended up on the issue of my existing crush. Courtesy of Tyla. I would really be dense if I couldn't tell she was trying to rekindle the old flames.

"So tell me, what exactly did you start to like about my brother. All though it was what I have always wished for, he was too much of a jerk for me to actually believe he could meet any girls eyes" She brought up for the fifteenth-ish time.

I sighed exhaustedly, already tired of changing the topic for the umpteenth time.

"What difference does it make it's all in the past now" i said.

"what past?" She flips my head up angrily. "Nothing is stopping you from liking him now. It's not like you have a boyfriend now. Besides there seem to be a teeny-weeny chance that my brother likes you too"


Her brother likes me?

"That's... That's not possible" I stutter almost swallowing my tongue in the process.

How many years have I known Tyla and her brother, I see the way he look at other girls and i see the way he looks at me. There was no iota of love or affection like what he showed other girls. Tyla must just be trying to convince me, there was no way Miller had feelings for me.

"Who says it isn't possible? My brother might look like a Playboy but he really doesn't have any girlfriend" I found that hard to believe but countering her would only keep this conversation going so I just shook my head and kept mute. Some things are best left unsaid.

She must have seen my discomfort in talking about the topic but for once she didn't wordlessly chang the topic, she must have made up her mind not to leave me in my comfort zone over this topic.

"I know what you're doing Syl" she said with an understanding look in her eyes. I couldn't bare to look in her face, it was like her eyes could see through me. "Whatever happened years ago shouldn't be reasons to shut the world out and deprive yourself a world that you deserve"

"It's not_" I tried to lie but still couldn't bring myself to. She was right. The blame I had on myself was enough to keep my off of everything that bring a smile to my face. I didn't deserve it. Not after what I did.

She grabbed my hand and wrapped it in hers. "As much as you blame yourself, it's not your fault. Tell yourself the truth too. I know you want to be happy. You know what else I know?... I know your dad would want you to be happy more than anything else. Seeing you live like this would break his heart, he loved you too much to blame you for anything"

Your dad would want you to be happy.

Her voice reverberated in my ears continuously. It got me thinking. 'was it true? Would dad really want to see me happy after what I did?'. If I could cross to the afterlife, I probably would bring this question along, I was dying to know the answer. Does dad really not blame me for his death?


After talking for hours, we finally went to bed at the early hours of the morning. It was Saturday after all so none of us had problems with sleeping in late. There would be no alarms waiting to wake us in the morning, what Bliss that actually was.

Eventually I was woken up some hours before midday, with a panging headache. Sleeping late were not my thing. If I ever did, I was left with a panging headache and sometimes a scrunchy mood.

"Sleepyhead wake up." Tyla's voice intercepted my dreams. With much efforts, I finally sat up and opened my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost midday. Quick get your ass up, we supposed to be at the mall?"

The mall?

Her words got every sleep in my eyes flying out the window.

"The mall?"

Tyla rolled her eyes and gave me an incredulous look. "Have you forgotten? The beach party is in a week. We've got to pick out a few new outfits. We can't be the only senior girls left behind. So get your ass in the bathroom and get ready. We're leaving in ten" She said and began leaving.

Her words left a guilty feeling in my stomach. I didn't tell her.

I haven't told her that I had decided not to go for the beach camp. There would be just too much required of me if I went and I didn't think I was ready for all that. The mental stress that would accompany the trip was one I most definitely didn't needs at the moment. It was just a stupid dumb trip anyways, not going for it would not impact on my grades so I was more than happy to skip.

I didn't tell Tyla cause I know she would try to talk me into going. I would just keep it a secret and then slip out of going on the very last day with the excuse of forgetting to submitting my consent form. There was nothing to even submit. My consent form was sitting at the bottom of the junk box in my room unsigned. I hadn't asked mum to sign it since I didn't want to go. t probably would remain there till the whole camp was over.

"ahh least I forget, I should probably tell Aunty of the beach camp consent form" she muttered to herself as she closed the door behind her.

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