8: embrace the shadows

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I was woken up by the sound of something ringing. This time it wasn't my alarm but my phone ringing. Thank God it had woken me up or I would have replayed the scene of jolting up from my nightmares and falling off my bed.

I take my sit. Drink a little from the glass on the table then pick up my food ceaselessly buzzing on the table.

"Good morning Tyla" I greeted in my sweet bell-like morning voice.

"Morning sleeping beauty. Did you forget what day it is?" Her equally angelic voice rang out through the receiver.

"It's Saturday"

"Just Saturday?"

"Is there suppose to be a difference?" I asked back confused. Why was she asking if it was just Saturday?

Tyla sighed "Sigh what would I do with you? How could you forget you promised we would go to the dock?"

Yeah! I almost fogot!

"I didn't forget" i lied pushing myself off the bed and rushing to get ready.

"Oh yeah?" Her voiced called out but this time not from the phone. My door knob turned and she walked in with her phone over her ears.

I rolled my eyes at her "you're calling even when you're in front of my door. How dramatic"

"Dramatic? I have every right to be dramatic. We agreed to leave for the dorks by 8. Do you know what time it is?" She complained in her sassy bitch stance.

"it not my fault. I kind of overslept"

I remember chugging down sleeping pills so that I could have a nice sleep without having that same dream again. It had only helped me sleep longer than I used to but the dream still happened alright.

"Yeah yeah. Go get your bath. We have to hurry, we still got to pick Adrien from his place." I followed her orders and went off to take my bath.

Within few minutes I was done bathing and was welcomed by Tyla's grin and a piece of clothes sprawled on my bed.

"What are these?" I could already guess what she was trying to do still I asked.

"I picked out a few clothes for you. Don't worry they still go with your hoodie but for once can you please not wear your usual plaid knee length skirt or baggy trousers and tacky top. We're going to the dock. It's were we all began. I really wanted us to meet just the way we did at the beginning" She said half pleading.

Just the way we met at the beginning. That sounded nice and sweet. Brought back sweet memories that didn't leave a pricking sensation in my heart.

I looked at the cloth on the bed and relented.

"Fine but not these. It's too.... I should have thrown it out back then" I complained looking at the mid thigh length skirt and belly button crop top.

I had spent middle school gathering outfits like this thinking it would be my avenue to slay in high school but little did I know I would come up with PTSD and my taste would change completely to the point I never wore things that were above my knee.

Tyla shone a bright smile "fine let's pick something else" she tagged asking with me as I walked into the walk-in closet.

After hours of shuffling and shuffling through all my clothes, Tyla Finally allowed me settle for a pair of denims short and a pink loose top. I paired it with a white sneaker and Tyla helped pack my hair into my usual bun. Not even a strand was allowed to show up before my eyes. I threw in my Hoodie and my sunglasses and then we left my room.

Coming downstairs. The sounds of laughters and cutleries colliding with plates filled the house. Mum, Lucas and of course Belle were at the dining, they were having their breakfast.

A look of surprise flashed past Mum's eyes when she Saw me. It might not be much but the shorts looo brought me back to that time everything was fine.

"Good morning mum, Lucas and Belle" I greeted. The first two were both audible but the last name came out of my mouth with a bit of reluctance so it ended up being inaudible.

"Morning Sylvie" Lucas returned the greeted.

"Tyla said you would have breakfast out that's why I didn't call you." Mum hurriedly explained, probably afraid I would feel bad being exempted.

"It's okay mum, I should get going."

"Bye Grace, Lucas. Bye Belle" we said our goodbyes and then left the house.

We had a lot of places to go so it would be inconvenient to ride a bicycle, thus we had to ride in Tyla's car. I felt uncomfortable as usual but not as uncomfortable as when I had ridden with Miller.

With Tyla's fast and furious driving, we arrived at Adrien house in no time.

"Hey babe" I watched them share a kiss as Adrien walked out of the house.

"Enough of the PDA. Let's get going!" I couldn't help but chide. Sometimes being with the two of them leaves you with a stomach filled of mushiness.

"Okay okay let's go, but first_" Tyla dug out a blindfold from her bag and held it out to Adrien.

He rose a brow and looked at the two of us "Where exactly are we headed?"

"It's a surprise. Just put on the blindfold first." He was reluctant too but Tyla succeeded him having him put it on at last.

Together with the blindfolded Adrien, we got into the car and drove off to our destination.

🎶slow we paddle through the lake
Straight to the very center of the
darkest waters, where we can
embrace the shadows on the surface
the eyes that look up lifeless from
our twins below🎶

Requiem on water by Imperial mammoth playing on the stereo. The mood was really set. Following the tarred road flashing past my eyes, I could see my childhood me running through the shore. A handkerchief in my hand and a broad smile on my lips. If it could see me, I would really be the shadow in the sea looking up with lifeless eyes.

Would it ever be able to embrace me? Would that glistening eyes look at me now and smile?.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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