16: burned in the flame

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Drove through town for a couple of minutes then got to Tyla's favourite mall. The place brought back memories. It always do. Actually every mall brought back memories, one that always got me halting at the door for a split second and maybe taking in a couple of deep breath. Either way, I walked in nonetheless.

"What do you want to get?" I asked as I got in.

"A bikini, a sun shade, probably a beach gown, a few_" she listed out the items she had in mind on her fingers. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

It was just a three days beach camp yet she was listing items that could last a week. It's no surprise. Tyla had always had a flare for anything party, she only had to tone down her partying after what happened to me.

"Do you seriously have to get that much?" I asked with scrunched up chins.

She stopped and looked at me "me? It's not only me that's getting those, we're both getting the same thing"

"yeah right" I laughed sarcastically. Like I would ever get a bikini. No way in heaven!. Just looking at those things make my skin creep so why would I wear them. And all those other things she mentioned? Haha it's really unthinkable.

"Seriously Syl. It's one part_ one event you are only gonna experience once in your High school life. You should loosen up a little and enjoy yourself." She was definitely going to call it a party but changed her words so she could have a chance at convincing me.

"No." I said firmly "I have all that I need to wear, besides it's just three days camp, I don't need to impress anyone" because I wasn't even going in the first place. I said the rest in my head.

She looked at me wordlessly, a little bit offended. I could tell. But no. I wasn't going to concede this time.

Tyla sighed and pulled at her hair frustrated "you're such a kill joy! Ugh I don't even feel like shopping anymore. Just wait here, I'll pick a few things and I'll be out" she pointed at the reception and walked off into the mall.

I still had a headache so having a few minutes to sit was definitely not a problem. I took out my phone and decided to mess around till Tyla was back. Just then a voice sounded from above me.

"Sylvie?" A pleasant Male voice rang into my head. I looked up.

Blue eyes, grey hair and a magazine worthy face greeted my eyes. The young man was a piece of art. I would be dumbfounded in awe if my confusion didn't supercede my admiration.

I was thinking 'what business does this fine young man have with me? Plus how could he even tell it was me?'.

Very few people knew who I was. And I also didn't know who he was.

He caught my cautious eyes so he clarified, An apologetic smile appeared on his lips "oh sorry, you probably don't remember me. It's me Clayton"

Clayton? It took a few minutes for the name to settle, then the realisation came.


"Clayton" Bolting to my feet. I exclaimed joyfully. My face was probably glowing like a dog that saw a bone but he probably couldn't see that from the hood and glasses covering my face. Either way my voice was excited enough to depict the happiness I felt.

"Hi there Sylph" He chuckled and said again.

My memories sure has gone rusted. How could I not have remember him at first glance? That blue eyes and that smile...and now that nickname. Only Clayton Kent could pull that off so effortlessly.

"Ck it's such a surprise" I replied back still smiling. It wasn't really a surprise after all I kind of knew I would see him soon but meeting him in a mall was unexpected. Clayton Kent aka Ck was Aunty Betty's son and my childhood bestfriend. We grew up together since we were babies and separated at elementary school when Aunty Betty moved away. Even after that, we would talk and Skype whenever out mummies did. So we got in touch quite regularly only until the recent years.

We were five and six. Still it doesn't explain how he knew it was me whilst in my... My new form. Hooded and shrouded.

"How could you tell?" I couldn't help but ask.

He chuckled "I was at your place last night. Aunty Grace showed me a lot of pictures. It's not hard finding you even amongst a crowd."

Why did that sound like a compliment? Even still I choose not to question. I shook my head and smiled. Now at a loss of how to keep the conversation. Apart from Tyla and Adrien, I didn't really know how tto talk with other people.

"I guess you must have heard we are back to Franch City." I nodded "now that I am back, we could finally catch up like old days. Pull a scheme or two and make troubles like we used to." He joked and I laughed in response. Couldn't remember those toddlers days very much but the bits memories of days like Cake day were enough to make me chuckle.

Mum still has the picture of two cake ghost walking into the house dripping icing and smelling like butter and baked dough.

"Clayton!" He was yelled at by a bunch of other boys. The Polar bear vests on them signified they were from Crystal High school basketball team.

Was he transferring there? I should probably ask...or maybe not. Just let it slide and I'll know the answer later.

"Bye Sylph. We'll talk probably at dinner" He waved then walked away with his friends.

Now I was a bit anxious. With Clayton around, it would be impossible for me to continue being incognito. He was a Flame that could not be tamed. I just might get burned in this flame.

"Who was that?"

"A friend" I answered simplifying the title.

Tyla rose a suspicious eye. One that clearly said 'i didn't know you had friends aside Adrien and I'. I wound my head, "His a childhood friend, we lived together when we were little but he moved away and now he's back"

"Oh. I'm sure I would get to meet him. Let's go, I'm done shopping" She said and I could finally notice the duffel bag in her hand.

What are those?!

She said she was only going to buy a few things, how did that end with getting things that filled up a duffel bag? Was she running away after the trip?

"Are you running away?" I blurted out my thoughts.

She rolled her eyes at me and flipped her hair. "Babycakes, a damsel could never have too many clothings"

I rolled my eyes on cue. Yeah right. I blame it on your limitless credit card.

"Stop thinking like a miser and let's get going. I still have to visit the grocery store to get somethings for the camp" she tugged on my hand and began matching out of the mall. If I doubted it before, well now I am convinced. This girl really had plans of running away at the camp.

Buying groceries for a camp that would already have everything provided. I swear sometimes I envied her pocket. If mine was as large as hers, I probably would be the youngest house owner the world will know. Sigh! What a waste.

We left the mall and then went on Tyla's shopping spree.

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