14: my bestfriend is my matchmaker

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"ahh!" Tyla screamed and threw herself into Adrien's arm.

The white robbed lady on the screen made a throaty groan and crept away moving on all fours. Her blackened teeth, wraithlike look and bird nest hair was scarier than it could be.

I was scared too but my single ass had no body to snuggle with. Sigh! Having couple friends could really be intimidating.

"Damn that was so scary!" Tyla complained.

"it really wasn't that frightening. I knew there was no way the nun was going to die. It basically how every Horror movie ends" Adrien brags. I swear I could punch him if I wasn't still so smitten by fear.

It was all his idea to binge watch a scary movie. Now I couldn't help but feel something was breathing on my neck.

"I think we should turn back on the lights" I suggested.

"most definitely!" Tyla hurried up and switch the lights back on.

I could finally breath a sigh of relief. Whoever first said watching scary movie in the dark was the best should be spanked on the head. It was the worst!

"Woah we unknowingly watched that movie till the stroke of midnight. No wonder the atmosphere felt even scarier. Do you guys remember? The Nun first appeared at the stroke off midnight in tha_"

"Seriously Adrien?!" I and Tyla shouted at the same time. The boy could really be an asshole sometimes.

Tyla rolled her eyes at him then began with a toothy grin "it's so late already, we should probably open our time messages already."

She appears to be so enthusiastic about the letter she had written I couldn't help but he curious to know what it contain. Mine on the other hand sucked out every enthusiasm from me.

Since no one objected she decided to go first. She stood up and rushed to a drawer in the room and took out the letter from it. It was in matching pink envelopes like mine.

"Okay so I'll read. Dear future me_" she started.

So apparently Tyla wrote quiet a lot, and most of it were thing we didn't expect, some got us chuckling, I rolled my eyes too quiet a number of times.

"And if I was dead.... If I ever get to heaven, I've got a long list of questions, like how do you make the snow flake? Are you angry when the earth quake? How does the sky change in a minute? How do you keep this big rock spinning? Why couldn't you stop mum from dying? Forgive me I'm just asking..." Her borrowed line from Jersey on the wall by Tenille Townes got me soaking my tears with the edge of my sleeves.

Finally she came to an end with a mushy text she left for her and Adrien. The emotional rollercoaster was one hell of a ride.

Next it was Adrien's turn. There was really not much he had written.

"A lifeguard? You want to become a lifeguard?" I and Tyla asked almost simultaneously. It wasn't shocking but we never just expected he would want to be what his father was. He wasn't one to love the sea so it was totally unexpected.

He nodded "mmmm"

"That's shocking."

"I can't say I fell in love with it but it's something I want to do. Also_" he turned and held unto Tyla's hand with a awkward expression on his face "um... Proposing on prom night was doesn't have to happen. So please don't feel pressured"

"Silly this is just a letter you wrote when you were little. I'm not going to feel pressured by it" Although she said this, her cheeks were redder than a full blown tomato. I could tell her heart was running around on the back of a unicorn. Who wouldn't after hearing an indirect proposal from the one you loved the most.

Finally it was my turn.

"Syl com read yours for us" Tyla requested waiting to hear what I had written. Seeing her expectant expression I wished I could time travel and go back to four years ago then I would smack my head and make sure I write something tangible.

I held unto the envelope with an embarrassed look on my face. I could feel myself about to puke from my own words. I didn't know if I should read it out.

"Syl what did you write about?" Tyla asked suspiciously after seeing my hesitant expression.

I stayed mute and just passed the envelope to her.

"Wait!" I stopped her before she opened it "before you open it, I just want you to know that that was a long time ago, I don't feel the same way again and I really regret writing that. So please don't hate me for it. Also please don't read that out loud" I hurriedly said.

She sent me a curious glance then went ahead and opened the letter. In silence she began reading it, Adrien also looking from the side. Half way through their eyes flung open and mine dropped regretfully.

Maybe I really should have thrown it away. Belle was right. Any friend would be disgusted to have her friend crush so much on her brother.

A few more glances and the paper was folded back into halves. They both didn't say anything, they just sat there staring at me with disbelief and shock in their eyes.

One second...

Two Seconds...

Three Seconds...

It was probably not up to a minute but to me it felt like the four seasons had gone and returned.

"Please say something" I begged almost tearing up.

Slowly Tyla's lips parted and I heard her voice ring out "you have a crush on my brother"

Have? Present tense?

"Had" I corrected.

Her eyes lit up and the shock disappeared "why didn't you tell me?! This... This..." She said pointing at the letter. "is what I wished for, for ages. Especially after I and Adrien got together. I felt so bad having to leave you single so I tried so hard to set you guys up many times but only relented when I didn't turn out to work! It would have been a dream come true for me too if you guys had a thing together!"

Wait what?

"You're not mad?" I asked perplexed

She stomped up to me and smack my head "dumbass how can I be mad? also how can I not be mad?! You should have told me than making me think my bestfriend was a leg across that fence. I must say it was also probably my fault you fell in love with him. After having fed your head with all those my bestfriend brother stories online and even making you binge watch kissing booth for a million times. How could you not have been able to tell that I wanted you guys together? I even chipped it in at some points made jokes about it and tried passively talking you into it"

"aish Syl I must say, you're the densest girl I've ever known. Even I knew she was planning to ship you both." Adrien commented too with a laugh.

Their words stunned me out. But come to think of it. There were really hints, I should have been able to notice if I truly wasn't so dense.

Gosh now I feel even more stupid and embarrassed. Also slightly happy.

My bestfriend is my matchmaker!

No that's wrong. I don't love Miller anymore. I don't right?

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