17: a kiss

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Walking into school on Monday morning. The atmosphere was filled with the vibes and high spirits of the camp. The week had arrived already, only a few more days and buses would be parked at the school lawn waiting to convey students to the venue. Everyone were talking about it. Dresses, shoes, plans and in hushed whispers, Drinks.

School has never been livelier than now. Same goes to Tyla. Our walk to our lockers was not in a bit silent. Not that I mind. Her word-fulness went hand in hand with my speechlessness.

"Remember that cousin I told you about?" She asked and I nodded "well apparently they don't want to be here any soon."

I rose an eyebrow "Why?"

"Apparently, the Douchebag hates it here. He say this place is a shithole. He's right someway but still I hate his nerves. After all the preparation, he expects me to cancel it."

"what did your aunty say?" I couldn't help but ask.

"what could she say? She has an arrogant dickhead for a son. He's just too strong-headed. His friends aren't helping matters too by fanning his ego. Yuck! I wonder how girls fall for him" I laugh at her words. She really doesn't seem to like this cousin of hers. It made me curious. Just how bad could he be for Tyla to displeased with him? She naturally had a problem with guys who were Playboys. So how much of a Playboy was he?

"I can't wait for him to get here and see the surprise aunty had me arrange" She said with a evil smirk on her lips. Tyla only ever had such smirk when she had done something mischievous. No doubt she had something planned against him.

"What did you do?" I asked.

She shrugged leisurely "Nothing much. You'll know when he comes"

When he comes? Yeah right. I could already see the drama that would unfold.

"So when is he coming?"

She frowned "I threw in a few lies, probably a little pressure and just the right amount of coaxing and he could only reluctantly agree to be here by the weekend. Oh he might be at the camp if he's in a good mood. That jerk is always in a corky mood"

Now I was curious "The school is halfway through the syllabus, how is he_ I mean they gonna catch up?"

She snorted angrily "Oh he doesn't need the syllabus. The egoistic, self entitled prince just has the brains. He could score a 100 percent even with his eyes closed." She humphed and leaned in close to me, checking the surrounding to see if she would be heard."Sometimes I think he might be a vampire. Just too perfect for his own good"

I gave her an incredulous look "you do know those don't exist right?"

"You never can tell. Didn't I see a merman in the sea when we were little" She said shrugging. I shook my head and didn't bother to correct her. It was no use after all, no matter how we tried to tell here it was a man surfing through the waves back then she just wouldn't listen.

The bell rang and we had to grab our books and rush to our classes as fast as we could.

"I must say, I'm impressed with how good some have you have gotten with your artistry" Miss Moryl said as she ended the lecture.

"The Last project was perfectly done by most of you, that exclude those that thought they could deceive me. I was particularly impressed by one of your drawings" She announced and everyone unknowingly turns to look at me. It was no secret. Sylvie Kayden was the art class model student. Probably the one that could grow into Leonardo da Vinci.

I squirm under everyone's gaze. A little bit uncomfortable getting all that attention.

"So I'm giving you another project" sounds of groans and displeased gasps echoed through the class but Miss Moryl was less concerned. She rolled her eyes and continued speaking "For those next project. I want you all to make a graphic representation of your key moments this week and at the camp. Moments that made your week and changed your life".

She explained a little more time and eventually had to cut her words off as the sound of the bell sent all the students out with no one to listen to what else she had to say.

"Sigh Miss Moryl has quite an awful way of giving assignment. What's all these psychological assessment of pupils daily lives? She should have been the school counselor and not an art teacher." Tyla complained as we made our way to the parking lot.

I smiled and chose not to comment.

"Ah yes. Syl. Can I stop at your place real quick?" She suddenly requested.

I rose a brow "what for?"

"Aunty wants me to attend a function this night. Your sequin pink stiletto is just perfect for my aesthetic look. Can I please come borrow it?" With her full doe eyes, I couldn't possibly say no. I couldn't even say no cause the heels she was asking for just happened to be among my list of 'never-in-a-million-years' outfit. The hype of high school had made me buy it but poor shoe spent all it's days in that tight musty junk box.

"Sure" I agreed in a heartbeat. We both board her car and began the drive to my place.

All the while a lot running on my mind. One of which was how to tell my best friend that I wasn't going to the camp at the weekend. I knowing Tyla, I knew she would freak out and try to get me to go but I just couldn't bring my mind t settle on going.

After ten minutes of driving, we drove into the neighborhood. We were three blocks away from my house when we were faced with an unexpected scene.

A red suv parked in front of my house. The car was not only familiar but was one I knew pretty well. The driver seat door opened Miller stepped out.

Tyla slowed down her driving, simultaneously she had the same confused expression I had on my face "What is Miller doing at your place?"

Same thing I want to know.

We watched him walk to the passenger seat and open the door then out of the blue Belle stepped out. It was like I saw a ghost. No scratch that. Seeing a ghost would not have been as shocking as this reality.

What was even more shocking was what happened next. Belle giggled to whatever he had said then she stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his lips. He seemed hesitant for a few seconds but still reciprocated her kiss.

In a flash Tyla had driven into our driveway but still it looked like time had paused on those two. I couldn't look at them cause the scene was just too hurting. My eyes tingled and so did my heart. Immediately the car came to a stop. I opened the door and walked right out. Darting my way into the house. I could hear Tyla call me and so did Belle. Miller might had called out to Tyla too but I didn't care to know why.

"Hey Syl wel_" mom was walking out of the kitchen with a tray of tart, she started to greet but I brushed right past her and marched upstairs. Too sacred that if I spent a minute she would see the flood of tears about to fall from my eyes.

I got to my room and banged the door. Walked into my closet and dumped myself on the floor.

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