13: not much of a competition

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"What the f*ck!" Belle yelled as she stumble off her rocking chair in fright.

"Sorry" I muttered in-between pants. I didn't mean to rush in like that it's only that I was in a haste.

"What the f*ck shades! Must you barge in like a ghost!" She stood and yelled with an angry expression on her face. Her hands placed on her thin waist.

Shades. That's what she had been calling me ever since i can remember. Probably since the first time we were introduced.

"I said I'm sorry"

She snorted "Just say what you want and get the hell away. Last thing I want is for you people to say I'm bullying you"

I overlooked her demeaning statement and just move on to why I was here in the first place.

"Um_mum said... You.. took out the laundry."

"must you come to me for that? It's at the backyard isn't it?"

That's true, it was at the backyard but what I was looking for wasn't.

Scared that mum could come cleaning my room when I was out and end up stumbling on it. I hid the letter from the time capsule in the drawer for my dirty nighties. How could I have forgotten she would take those out too at some point to do the laundry. I guess I was sure I would take that out before laundry day.

Now I had gone to check the laundry at the backyard but that pink envelope was nowhere to be found. I checked the dustbin too but it wasn't also there. Mum didn't seem to have any knowledge about it so I was down to the only person that made contact with the laundry.... Isabelle.

Coming up to her room. I really wished she had been responsible enough not to open it.

"Did you see anything in my laundry?" I asked

She rose a brow "like wha_ oh are you talking of this?" She dug her hand in the back pocket of her bumshort and pulled out my envelope.

Mr heart dropped.

Why does she have this in her pocket? Did she read it?

With lightening speed, I moved to take back the envelope from her hands but she avoided me, thank to the difference of 1 feet in our height.

"Tsk tsk who would have thought that even shades could have such a stupid crush on someone?"

She read it!

"You read it!" I said through gritted teeth. Couldn't she had just kept it without going through it's content?.

Belle shrugged "i didn't mean too. It's not like I wanted to see you confess your undying love for your bestfriend's brother. It really hurt my eyes to have read it"

"give it back"

"he was the light in our world and the warmth of the sun I felt on my skin. No doubt I know we ended up with him" she recited a line from the letter offhandedly and even I grimaced to how stupid it was. What was I thinking when I wrote that.

"Does that overly sunny friend of yours know you're crushing so hard on her brother? Bet she'll feel disgusted. I would if I were her"

"That's not your business. Hand it back!" I yelled very furious now. Who was she trying to judge me like a holier-than-thou. Having a clingy crush was way better than sleeping with half the school. I might be stupid but she sure was a sl*t

"Sure I will but first... An advice from a big sister. Boys won't love you if you're... Uninteresting. You've got to be a competition to get boys attention and you're not much of a competition. Actually you don't even fit in the ranks. Ask your friend I'm sure she knows this yoo" She said smugly then passed the envelope back.

I collected the letter but her words left a sour feeling in my guts.

I don't fit in the ranks? Didn't that mean I didn't fit amongst girls that could be loved by any guy? So much mockery from someone who only gets boys by first offering to share their bed.

"Thanks but we're not any different now are we? You don't also fit in the ranks, isn't that why you try to gather attention by being a sl*t. Even still, all you'll ever be to boys is the chick they could always mess with. Good luck being a Booty call all your life" I spat out and left. I didn't want to see her face but I heard her furious groan as I closed the door behind my back.

I guessed I touch where it hurt but she did the same for me so it was tit-for-tat.

I went back to my room and began preparing for my sleepover. As much I wanted to flush down that pink envelope into the toilet so that no one else ever have to see it I still had to stuff it into my bag. I can't throw it away until the sleepover was over.

I packed my stuff and took a quick shower. Since I was going to Sleepover, I choose to wear something free and light.

An oversized hooded sweatshirt that stopped just below my mid thighs. I've never been able to sleep with something that touches my knee so putting on my usual knee length skirt or a trouser would only make me uncomfortable. I throw in a bumshort underneath the sweatshirt just in case.

With my beg packed with things I might need I make my way out of my room. It was quarter to Seven, I still had to pack some snacks and probably have a bite. By the time all that was done, I'm sure Tyla would honking from the driveway.

I got down to the sitting room. The guest were done. Apparently Aunty Betty had taken them for a town tour. That was relieving to hear. I was glad I didn't have to meet Mrs Gus, I didn't know if I would be able to come up with another savage line if she said something mocking again.

"Quick help me take out the chicken from the fridge. It's a pity you wouldn't be staying tonight. I am going to make beggar's chicken" She said.

That sounded enticing but still not enough to make me want to stay. I helped in the kitchen and finally left after Tyla arrived.

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