Episode 14

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Rupa was awakened with a thud as her head hit a hard surface. When she opened her eyes she realized it was a car door.

She was laying in the backseat of a car.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The car seemed to be driving over a rocky and bumpy passage. She tried to pull herself up or scoot a little away from the door, but couldn't. Her head kept hitting the door and she couldn't move or scream. She was gagged and her limbs felt numb. She was tightly bound by her wrists and ankles by plastic ties.

How was she going to escape?

Suddenly she felt the car stop. She heard the front door open. She shut her eyes and remained still. She didn't want to be drugged again and thought that maybe she could use the element of surprise to her advantage once she figured a way out.

Unfortunately whoever had her seemed to have observed her wake up. She felt a wet cloth cover her nose again just as she heard the sound of helicopter blades.

Her last thought before drifting off was a prayer for someone to find her.

Comet had been following the car for about an hour and started to feel like it was time to give up. He wasn't sure what made him follow it in the first place. There was nothing suspicious that he could see. He had only seen it speed away when he had arrived. That was nothing new in Brampton.

Here he was wasting all this time following a stranger when Rupa could be in danger. He felt foolish. For all he knew it could have been a visitor on the street or a friend or family member of Shallu's. It could've been anyone really. He turned his car around and headed back to Shallu's. He was ready to tell them the full truth. He was through with secrets and lies. He only hoped that Rupa would stay with him.


Nimmy looked out the hospital window. Visiting hours were coming to an end.  It was dark out and street lamps were casting eerie shadows in the parking lot below. Nimmy shivered. The police had finally questioned Abhishek and he couldn't offer much information. He has said that he didn't remember what had happened. Only that was grabbed off the street when he was taking an evening walk and then next thing he knew he was waking up in pain and bloodied at a park on Nimmy's street. He stumbled to her house to ask her for help and that's all he could remember. He didn't know why he was picked up or who could have picked him up and shot him. He said he was friends with Comet but that he didn't know of any of his criminal activities. He also indicated that the money he owed Comet was a loan between friends and nothing serious.

Nimmy didn't buy it.

Shallu didn't seem to either, but seemed relieved that at least the police were cooperating in dropping her charges.

Nimmy could feel Abhishek watching her. She walked over to where he lay in his bed and planted a kiss on his forehead. She would let him rest and get more information out of him later. She wanted him to recover first.

"I'm sorry I've put you through hell Nims", he told her softly.

"It doesn't matter now" she replied softly. "Im glad we're both safe now. I want you to focus on getting better."

She reached for his hand.

"Visiting hours are almost done. I'll be back first thing in the morning" she promised. Giving him one final kiss she headed out of the hospital to where Shallu was waiting to take her home.
Shallu had just dropped Nimmy off. She was hoping Nimmy would want to talk more about what Abhishek told them and the police today, but Nimmy was still quiet. She had asked Shallu to drop her home. She said she needed to be alone and promised to call Shallu if she needed anything.

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