you're a drug to me

419 9 29

I woke up to my straight dark hair in my face.

It was still dark, yet I wasn't tired now.

I turned to Ajax, who didn't yet notice I was awake.

He was typing hearts to a picture of a man I'd never seen before.

"Gaybo." I yelled

"Hey- You're finally awake?" Ajax nervously asked

"What time is it..?"

"'s the next day, I have to be somewhere in half an hour, though. I'll drive you to your friend's house then."

Ajax said as he closed every tab on his computer.

He smiled as he glanced over at me.

I rolled my eyes as I felt sick.

As I was getting into Ajax's car I noticed his phone go off as he was taking something from the trunk.

            8:24 pm, sun

        ○ do not disturb off
        ○  Zhongli♥︎: where are•••


I gasped as I looked away.

A feeling of clinginess fell over me as I felt jealously slowly creep its way in.

Wasn't he MY friend?

I lost too many to count.

I can't lose him, not now.

My eyes widened as I put my hands on my face.

My stomach was still obviously healing, probably resulting in a huge scar over my pale skin.

Ajax walked over to the other end of the car, the driver's door.

This car looked much different from the one he had..before.

This car was a shiny red color, almost glistening, just like the bumper cars for kids at the mall.

There was no roof and the seats were a comfortable black color.

The tires were a gorgeous clean rubber, dark metal in the middle. as if it's never been driven before.

Ajax held his keys in his hand on his pointer finger as he glanced up at me.

His neutral expression with blank eyes quickly turned into a closed eye smile as he opened the door.

"You're so cute, Scara." Ajax laughed.

"Fuck off." I quickly responded in alarm with a nervous expression.

My face went red as my hands grabbed onto the side of the seat in the car, squeezing it as tight as possible.

My right hand slapped my mouth as I looked away.

That sentence hit my heart like a train.

I like him.

No, I love him.

I need him, I need him to be in my arms.

Ajax started the car.

Was I free to stare at him, now?

He stares at me a lot, maybe he thinks I'm weird?

My thoughts made me zone out, but I felt the wind hit my face.

I wondered what he'd look like...

Look like kissing me?

That can't be right...

you were in my dream • chiscara [modern]Where stories live. Discover now