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Around 4:30 pm~

Yeonjun's POV~

Ugh, how will I even start the conversation? Should I just get straight to the point? Should I just say, 'Kang Y/n, I have something to say to you. I am deeply in love with you. Will you go out with me?' I stood in front of the washroom mirror staring at the bouquet of roses I bought for Y/n. Just then my friends entered the washroom. " Oh! Look our Yeonjun-hyung is gonna ask someone out! " Kai mockingly laughed, pointing at the bouquet of roses I had in my hand. " Are those for Y/n? They are so pretty. " Soobin said, gawking in awe. I nodded in agreement. " I hope she feels the same as you do. Hyung, we are rooting for you! " Taehyun patted my back to reassure me.

I reached the rooftop ten minutes early. As I was pacing around on the rooftop, I saw a girl standing dangerously on the edge. I felt numb with horror. She was about to commit suicide, wasn't she? I subconsciously dropped the bouquet and ran to save that girl. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. I stumbled upon my balance and fell, causing the girl to fall on me. She flushed at our close proximity. She looked at me and I took that as an opportunity to read her name tag. ' Jang Mi-Young ' 

Wait, wasn't she in Soobin's class? 

Suddenly, I heard footsteps receding. Did someone just come and leave? What if it was Y/n? That's when I realized there was a girl, on top of me! Aish, you messed things up Yeonjun! I got up immediately and started, " What were you planning to do? You know people who care for you would regret not being able to save you. Don't ever give up your life, it's really precious." I sighed. What would Y/n think about me now? Was it even her? " Sorry, " She replied. " Anyways ... don't try to jump from here when I'm gone, okay? " I pointed at the edge where she was going to jump off from. After she left, I picked up the bouquet. It was still in perfect shape! 

I called Taehyun- it was the only thing I thought of doing.


"You messed up didn't you? " I heard him sigh. Man, I felt bad for Y/n . 

"It was an emergency. I had to do it. I don't know but my body seemed to move on its own that time. Is she with you? "

" She is... "

" Can I talk to her? " 

" She doesn't want to talk to you. Not for now at least. "

I plopped down onto the ground, feeling gloomy. A cold tear trickled down my cheeks and I sniffled. Soon, tears poured down from my eyes, inevitably. 

" Hyung? Are you crying? Stop crying. It's okay ... everything will be fine. Trust me. Wait, I'll come up to the roof. " 

And with that he hung the phone. I hugged my knees and cried even harder. What if Y/n wouldn't ever talk to me? What if our friendship gets ruined? What if- " Hyung! " Taehyun exclaimed. I looked up at him with a tearstained face. " I - I don't know what just happened... " I muttered. " Can you explain everything to me? " I nodded and began, " I was walking here and there and then- then I saw a girl who was going to jump off there, " I pointed at the edge of the roof, " I don't know but I dropped this bouquet and ran to save her- I held her hand so that she could get down but- but instead she fell on me. Moreover, that girl turned out to be Jang Mi-Young. Maybe Y/n saw Mi-Young on top of me, that's why she ran downstairs. " 

I wiped the tears off my face. My phone vibrated- it was a text from Y/n in our little friendship group. 

                Kang Y/n added Choi Beomgyu to 'Besties'

Kang Y/n

People, I added Beomgyu! 

Choi Beomgyu 

Hey y'all! 

Taehyun received the message too and we exchanged glances before gluing our eyes back on our screens. 

Lee Minji 

Annyeong! Welcome to the group!

Kang Taehyun 

Me and Y/n were thinking about inviting you all to our house for a sleepover at our house today.

I looked at Taehyun with an expression that said, ' What - Is - This? ' to which he shrugged. What a way to reply.

Choi Soobin 

I'm coming.

Choi Beomgyu

I'll come too!

Lee Minji

Count me in!

Huening Kai 

I'm down


I'll pop by too ... I guess

This might be a second chance for me to make things right! 

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