It's Always Been You (Beast Boy X Reader)

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Powers: Fire control
Best Friend: Robin
You are a member of the Teen Titans

You walked into the main room of the Titans Tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing video games, and yelling at each other. You laughed. 'So typical' you thought

They heard you laugh and turned their heads towards you.
"(Y/N)! We didn't hear you come in? Wanna play video games with us?" Beast Boy asks, hopefully. You smile. You had the biggest crush on the point eared Titan. You thought he was the cutest, sweetest person, well perhaps maybe Starfire, but he was close. "Eh, I dunno if I'd be that good." You replied. Cyborg smirked and said,
"Yeah I get it, I wouldn't want to set myself up for failure."
You scoffed playfully. "Gimme that controller BB." You sat down next to Beast Boy as he handed you your controller. As you took it, your hand met his. You both blushed, but neither of you notice each others, except Cyborg. You cough. "What are we playing anyways?" You ask. "Fortnight." Beast Boy replied, his voice much higher than usual. Cyborg shook his head, a smile still on his face after seeing this little show.

Time Skip

You beat both boys. You stood up and did a little victory dance. The boys grumbled. "See? This is what you get when you underestimate (Y/N/N)!" You exclaimed. Just then, Robin walked in. He smiled slightly at your enthusiasm. He liked seeing you happy. "Hey guys! Um (Y/N), you ok?" He asked, laughing slightly. You decided to gloat. "Yes my dear Robin, I am great! I beat the two 'video game champions' at their own game! Ha...ha...ha!" Cyborg glared at you and you winked at him. Beast Boy stared ahead, in his own world. "Well sorry to interrupt, but you wanna go train for a bit (Y/N)?" Robin asked. You agreed, walking away from the two moody teens. As you walked away, you noticed Beast Boys ears drop even more. You hoped you hadn't hurt his feelings. You wouldn't never want to hurt him. He meant too much to you.

When you were out of earshot, Cyborg starts talking to BB. "Dude, you gotta tell her!" "I can't tell her Cy!" Beast Boy exclaims. "Why not?" Beast Boy sighs. "She's so perfect and nice and sweet, she would never have feelings for me." He replied. Cyborg looked at his best friend. "You never know until you ask." Cyborg said softly. Beast Bot shook his head, and continued his game, finishing the conversation.

You and Robin were in the training room. You tried to encase him in a circle of flames, but he swiftly back flipped away from you. He came running at you, bo staff in hand. He leaped and you dodged his attack. He tried again, but you kicked him in the stomach. "Ok time out!" He said, doubled over. "It's ok Rob, I know I'm too strong for you." You reply coolly. He rolls his "eyes" and laughs sarcastically. He gets a drink. "So," he begins, "you and Beast Boy huh?" Your face heats up. "What do you mean?" You ask. "Oh c'mon (Y/N/N), I know you have feelings for him!" " I do not!" You retaliated. "There's no point denying it! I see the look you both get when with each other! You like him! He likes you!" You freeze. "He likes me?" You ask and he nods. "I gotta go." You say and dash out of the room.

You meet Cyborg on the way and ask where Beast Boy is. He tell you hes in his room. You thank him and run off. "I better not find you both parents in a few months, you're both so young!" Cyborg calls to you, smiling like an idiot. His two closest friends are gonna be a couple. "Pervert!" You call back, also smiling. You reach BB's room and see the door is open. You walk in and see Beast boy lying on his bed. "Hey BB!" You say. He looks up and grins. "Hey (Y/N/N)! What's up?" You start to get nervous. "I uh...gotta tell you something." You say. He pats the space beside him and you sit down. Your heart is beating like crazy and your starting to shake. "There's something you need to know." He looks deep into your eyes, curiosity swimming in his green orbs. You let out a breath. "I really like you. And not in a friend way...more like a let's go on a date way." He keeps staring into your eyes. You begin to panic, as he still hasnt replied. You start rambling on about how he doesnt have to say anything and he probably doesnt like you but you stopped once you felt his ungloved hand intertwine with yours. (Y/N), I really REALLY like you too, I was just afraid to tell you because I thought you would reject me!" You put one hand on his cheek. "Beastie, why would you think I would reject you? Have you met you? Your so sweet and handsome and one of the nicest people I have ever met. I would be a fool to not like you!" You say with a reassuring smile. "I just thought you and Robin would have been more suited. I mean you're always together and it just seem like he's more your type than I am." He replied. "Beast Boy, Garfield Mark Logan, it's always been you". You said as you leaned in and kissed him. You put your hands on his chest and his on your hips. It felt like heaven. Your hearts are beating like crazy, you know his is because you have your hand on his chest.

You pull away, panting and grinning like crazy. You lean your forehead on his. "Mama, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, shyly. You giggle. "Did you really think after that confession and that kiss that I would break your heart? Not a chance. Of course!" You replied and he pulled you in for another kiss

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