It Doesn't Define You (Beast Boy X Dyslexic!Reader)

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If any of this is inaccurate please let me know. I've researched dyslexia in girls but if it's not right don't hesitate to let me know.

Requested by: fivelover__5576

The crime alert alarm went off so you and the rest of the team headed toward the scene. A guy in a stupid costume was trying to steal from a jewellery store.

Robin instructed you to use your telekinesis powers to lift up a car and drop it in from of the man to corner him. As he looked at you, he felt like you weren't paying attention.

"Have you listened to a word I've said?" He asked, his voice rising.

You started to get defensive. "Yes, I am listening to you, bird brain, now come on!" You said and walked away.

The team all sent each other glances, but Beast Boy looked at you with a knowing look.

As you got into position you began to panic. 'What did Robin say? What was I supposed to do? Oh god what do I do?'

You looked over at Robin. "Robin? What was I supposed to do?" You yelled.

Robin glared at you. "I knew you weren't listening to me!"

He stopped the thief and handed him over to the cops. He glared at you once again before walking away. You sighed. You knew exactly why you couldn't remember, but you were too scared to tell anyone: You had Dyslexia.

You and the others went back to the tower. Starfire came up beside you and patted you on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about Robin, friend," She said. "you know how he is." She smiled and walked away. You returned the smile and went to Beast Boy in the Living Room.

"Hey, girl! Wanna read some comics with me?" He asked as he handed you a comic.

You felt the anxiety resurface as you thought of having to read. You shrugged it off however and took the comic and sat down beside him.

Suddenly, some of the words began to jumble together. The ones you could understand on one page, you couldnt understand on another page.

Beast Boy eyed you over his comic, noticing your struggle. He decided to put his comic book down and start a conversation with you.

"So, what did you think of the movie we saw last week?" He asked, smiling brightly.

You put down your comic and grinned. "Ooh yes! I loved it! The way he just flipped into action made me want to do that all the time!"

"Is that what you've been trying to do?" He asked while laughing.

You pushed him playfully. "Hey, rude!" You said. "Oh yeah and then when he-" You stopped.

"You ok?" Beast Boy asked, his smile faltering.

You laughed lightly. "I forgot what I was going to say."

Beast boy sighed. "(Y/N/N), are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" You retorted, scared he was going to figure you out.

"I've noticed little things about you, (Y/N)." He began. "You're forgetting things, getting angry and frustrated easily and you're struggling to read."

Your eyes widened. "I'm fine, Beastie." You said, trying to get him to stop.

"No you're not, please just tell me." He pleaded as he takes your hand into his, intertwining your fingers together. You blush as you look at your hands, then into his eyes.

You sigh. "Ok...I'm dyslexic."

He doesn't speak, but keeps looking into your eyes, so you continue.

"I've known since I was a kid. I've just been too scared to tell anyone cos if I told them they could think I'm dumb and kick me off the team!" You said as tears started to form in your eyes.

He notices and wipes away your tears. He takes both your hands in his.

"Hey, being dyslexic doesnt make you stupid! You wont be kicked out, because being dyslexic doesnt define you. We can work on it." He says and you smile.

"How do you always manage to make everything better?" You ask with a small laugh as you cup his face.

He smirks. "I'm just that good." He says as he leans in.

He presses his lips to yours and you kiss back. You pull away and you both smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, pulling you closer by the waist.

You laugh. "Of course, my love." You say as you kiss him again.

He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a hug. "And don't worry, (Y/N/N), I wont tell anyone until your ready."

"Thank you" You whisper

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