Broken (Cyborg X Reader)

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Powers: Prosthetic arm (like Bucky Barnes but with gadgets) and Martial Arts
Best Friend: Beast Boy & Cyborg

You woke up to the sound of the crime alert alarm going off. You suited up and ran to the main room.

"What's going on? Is it Slade?" You ask. Everyone has really been on edge after Slade supposedly disappeared.

"No, it's the HIVE. They're robbing a bank downtown." Robin replied, scowling at the screen.

"Ugh it's always the HIVE! We need a challenge? Let the animal loose, right Cy?" Beast Boy exclaimed, highfiving Cyborg.

"Aw yeah!" Cyborg replied, a grin on his face. You rolled your eyes and laugh at the pair, you being the third in their little trio. Beast Boy was your best friend, as was Cyborg, but you've always felt something more towards Cyborg.

You all ran to the T-Car and made your way to the bank where the HIVE were. You were excited to try out the new update on your arm prosthetic. You lost your arm when you were a child, but after meeting the Teen Titans, you got upgraded to a high tech prosthetic.

You made it to the bank and got out of the car. Your arrival caught the attention of the HIVE. Robin yelled his famous catchphrase and you began to fight.

Robin fought Gizmo, Beast Boy, Cybord and Starfire fought Mammoth, Raven fought See-More, and you got stuck with Jinx. You've always been jealous of her. Ever since Cyborg had a crush on Jinx, you've hated her. Granted, you had to hate her because she was the enemy, but because of her and Cyborg, you hated her more.

You tried to blast her, but she dodged them all. She casted out her powers and your arm began to malfunction. You cursed her. She tried to jump at you but you roundhouse kicked her and sent her flying. The HIVE were being heated really bad, so Gizmo called a retreat.

Cyborg ran over to you and looked at your arm.

"Let's get back to the tower, I'll fix your arm." He said, holding your arm.

You all went back to the car and back to the tower.

Cyborg took you to his room and you sat down. He came back to you with his tools and got to work.
After a few minutes of silence you spoke up.

"You didnt have to do this, Cy."

"Yeah, I do, (Y/N/N)," he replied. "If I don't show you, you'll never know how."

You scoff playfully. "You think I cant learn on my own?" You smile.

He chuckles. "I'll always tale care of you, (Y/N)."

He stopped working. You looked at him and he looks up into your eyes. You swallowed harshly. Cyborg leaned in and kissed you. You felt your heart stop. He pulls away, staring into your eyes.

"I've always liked you (Y/N), Jinx was just a distraction." He said.

You smiled and said, "I feel the exact same way, Cy."

He smiled brightly at you. He continued working on your arm, having an animated conversation, laughing and falling more in love.

He finished working on your arm and you walked outside to see the rest of the team, smirking. Even Raven was smirking at you.

"Go to hell." You said to them, also smirking. Cyborg wrapped and arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"They're just jealous." He whispers in your ear. You go red, feeling how close he is.

Beast Boy turns to Raven.

"So Rae Rae, seeing as they are together now, waddya say we-"

He gets interrupted by Raven, growling and making a portal, causing him to get stuck in a pit.

You and Cy snicker and go to the main room to cuddle and watch movies.

You wouldn't change this for the world.

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