So...You Were Jealous? (Robin X Fem!Reader)

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This is based off of the episode Date with Destiny. It's been a while since I've seen this episode so don't come at me with inaccuracy.
You have illusion powers and enhanced hearing
Requested by fivelover__5576

"It's not a dual, (Y/N/N), it's a date." Robin said to you, bluntly.

You looked at him then at the screen, jealously burning inside you for some reason.

"And he wont be going! Especially with you, Kitten." You point at the screen, trying to be as menacing as ever.

Robin his hands on your shoulders from behind and pushes you out of the room, shouting, "We'll need a minute!"

The both of you go into another room. He puts his hands on his hips.

"What was that about, (Y/N)?" He asked, his brows furrowing.

You sigh. "I just think it's a stupid idea." You say and shrug.

His gaze softens and he looks into your eyes. "I do too, but if I distract her long enough, you guys can infiltrate Killer Moths base."

You sigh again and rub your temples. "Fine, fine!" You exclaim and go to storm out.

Robin grabs your arm and you turn to him. "If I didn't know any better, (Y/N/N), I'd say you were jealous."

You scoff. "Me? Jealous? Don't flatter yourself, Bird Brain." You say and leave the room.

Robin smirks to himself. "She's so jealous."

When you made it to your room, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Screw this, I don't like Robin!" You whisper-yell. "He's stupid, with his stupid hair and his stupid smile and his stupid...body."

You glare at yourself in the mirror. "Shit...I have a crush on Robin."

As the prom started in full swing, Robin stood waiting for Kitten to arrive. The moment he saw her, he internally gagged.

"Robbie Pooh! Come on, let's dance!" She exclaimed in her high pitched voice as she dragged him to the dance floor. He rolled his eyes but remembered the promise he made, so he reluctantly agreed.

Meanwhile, you and the rest of the team were looking for Killer Moths hideout.

"I can't believe he agreed to this, guys!" You protest. "He could have agreed to go to the prom with anyone else, but her Seriously?"

The team groaned. Cyborg was the first to speak up. "If you love him so much, why don't you marry him?"

You blushed. "I don't love him, Cy!" You retort.

"(Y/N)...if you don't shut up right now, I'm going to blast you into another dimension. So either go to him, or shut up!" Raven said calmly, but you knew you were getting on her nerves.

You sigh. "Fine! Go find Killer Moth without me. Imma go get my man." You said, smiling slightly.

You fly off. You heard Beast Boy whistle at you and Starfire wish you good luck. You chuckled lightly.

You used your illusion magic to make a (f/c) ballgown for yourself. You grinned and raced to the prom.

When you got there, you saw Robin standing alone and Kitten over at a table, getting drinks. You tap his shoulder and he turns around with a bored expression. That is until he sees you. Using your enhanced hearing, you could hear his heartbeat quicken.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims, a blush rising on his cheeks. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-" You cut him off with a kiss.

He kissed back despite the shock, and pulled you closer by the waist.

You pull away. "Wow...I wasn't expecting that..." he trails off, smiling.

"I just couldn't sit back and watch you with another girl. It was eating me up inside!" You exclaim, putting your arms around his neck.

"So..." he smirks. "you were jealous?"

You roll your eyes, "Oh ha ha! Laugh all you want...but yeah...I was jealous." You say quietly.

He lifts your chin up with his index finger and says, playfully, "Knew it."

He leaned in to kiss you but a loud screech stopped him.

"Looks like the others found Killer Moth." You said.

You went to get into position to fight, but Robin pulled you in for another mind blowing kiss.

He pulled away, smirked and ran into action, leaving you there in a complete daze, staring at him with an awestruck expression.

"Yup...I'm in love with Robin."

Teen Titans X fem!Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now