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Hello my darlings!

This is my very first book. I've never done anything like this before so if its shit dont judge🤣

This is what I will/might do:
Lemons/smut (I'll see how I feel about writing it)
Maybe angst?

What I wont do:
Assault (dont expect a kidnapped one shot, if its requested, I'm sorry but I wont do it, it's been done too much)
Highly detailed smut.

My work will have curse words, so if u dont like that, you might not want to read this, sorry xxxx.

I hope you enjoy this book, and please, be nice to each other!

Love u, my darlings xxx

Also, the first one shot is written like this : You walked to the stairs. I wont write like this for the rest, so dont worry, I know the first time is always bad🤣😉

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