Arabella//Alex Turner and Matty Healy pt 2

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"Good because I was hoping you and I could become something sometimes"

"I'd really like that Alex" I giggled then turned to give him a kiss on the cheek. He offered his hand and I took it trailing along behind the others. "You know, we could always ditch this lot and go to mine, if we just take this turning and walk down the road for a few we'll be there"  Alex starts suggesting.

"That does sound like a good ideaaaa" I start "There's a but coming isn't there?" "Yes. look I would love to but when these lot" gesturing with my free hand that wasn't attached to Alex. "Get plastered, you can't leave them alone I have to babysit them otherwise Matty will try some dumb shit, George will enable that dumb shit and Ross will just fall asleep, and there won't be anyone who's slightly sober to control them," I state remembering the times we've all got plastered and I wasn't there to clean up after their dumb mishaps.

Alex starts to groan from beside me "Look please, I get that they're all your best mates and all. But you could have a great time just for one night." I start to think it over and come up with a compromise. "okay how about this, we all go back, knowing them they'll be out like a light as soon as their heads hit a pillow. In deep sleep. They can take the spare bedroom they always do. and we're left with the night to ourselves." I finish ranting, then Alex starts up again. "That sounds like a great idea"

We all approach my flat pretty quickly. Everyone was silent as we approached it and walked up the stairs only resuming our talking after my front door. Meowing soon being heard "Caroline" Matty ushered her over, to which she came. Matty looking back at you while stroking her and Alex and gesturing to the cat with his head eyebrows raised as if to say "Look she is mine". I snarled at him while Alex just chuckled at our interaction finding it funny.

soon enough everyone was sat down with Alex residing on the armchair placed in the corner in front of the little window displaying my kitchen George and Ross on the sofa facing the tv but not actually watching what was on the tv (because it was turned off) Matty sat on the floor stroking my cat.

I however was in my bedroom getting out of my clothes putting on lingerie but putting a dressing gown over the top so it didn't look too suspicious, to everyone in the room.

"Can I get you a drink?" I asked Alex, returning from my bedroom. "uh yeah I'll have pepsi max please" Matty said in reply "Not you ratty, I wasn't asking you I was asking Alex, fuck you very much you know where the Pepsi is, get it yourself" Matty sighed standing up from the floor putting his hands up walking into the kitchen. "no thanks y/n I'm grand." Alex said in reply to me. "suit yourself, you would be missing out on the killer juice that she makes" George starts rolling off

"y/n/n can I have a juice please," George asks. "I would make you one Georgie but it's too late to start the machine and it would wake Ms. Lambert next door she's old and fragile and needs her rest. I'll make you one in the morning George, how about that?" I state "Okay. I'd like that. be a nice hangover cure" "I second that y/n I'd like one in the morning too" Ross finally puts in. "okay anyone else?" Matty raises his hand "Of course you would. don't worry I'll make you all one, Alex you too, but I think it's time for those who are absolutely gone to go to bed the spare rooms are all set up for when you last slept here, Alex you can have the sofa if you want" "but I tho-" I give him a look as to say just go along with it "yeah that'd be great thanks"

soon the whole flat was in chaos. people coming in and out of the bathroom getting themselves sorted. and soon enough it was quiet. I went to go open the spare bedroom door to check whether the 3 men were asleep. and sure enough, I heard snoring. Going back out to where Alex now sat on the sofa in the middle.

I walked over to him straddling his lap and started kissing him furiously with passion and hunger soon pulling back for some air but not before he caught my lip in his teeth biting on it and then letting it go bouncing back to its original place. I then start to move my lips placing kisses along him starting at his jaw and slowly moving down biting a few times here and there. finally reaching his collarbone where his black t-shirt lay, I tugged it saying "This needs to go" He nodded rather quickly agreeing and tossing it to the other side of the sofa.

Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu