Arabella pt 5-playing on my mind

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"No. No. don't be sorry bug, you have every right to. Besides I'm probably gonna yosh in someones mouth soon if I stay any longer, plus I dont want some random coming up and going in for the kiss" reaching inside his blazer pocket to check for the time "and It's 5 past three I can hardly see and if i stay up any longer I'll probably pass out so its probably best if we go now anyway."

warnings: idk if there is any? please let me know if there is. as always my conversation page is always open so if you have any questions about this series me in general or just have some suggestions please let me know thank you- el


It didn't take us that long to get to the hotel 5 minutes at best considering how close the venue the church and the hotel were from eachother besides Matty and I know Wilmslow like the back of our hands having grown up here our whole lives.

"That's the thing you know, you can run from this small town as much as you want but Wilmslow will always be in our hearts, I don't think we'll ever manage to get rid of it bug" Matty says before stopping infront of my hotel room door.

"Yeah, I think thats gonna be the death of me the fact that we'll all keep coming back for everything, we're never gonna be able to escape it theres always going to be something going on and who knows in like 40 years we'll be coming back for our friends funeral's, because they're never gonna leave" I say as I'm unlocking the door with my key I fished from my clutch that Matty kindly went and got for me before we left, Lucy came outside apologising for him turning up, she felt really bad but it wasn't her fault.

"you comin' in stink? Don't think you'll be able to sleep without me otherwise." I say gesturing my head inside raising my eyebrows.

"yeah fuck it why not, I actually don't think Lucy set me up with a hotel room. I think she just thought I'd be fine with shacking up with George or going to find a hook up for the night" He says as he's walking over the threshold into the bedroom.


"do you reckon, I'll live and die in a band?" Matty finally pipes up, After 5 minutes of comfortable silence under the duvet on the bed.

"Honestly? I don't know Matty you might, I mean you, G, Ross and Hann are like best of friends and have been in a band for a decade now, I think you might, but life changes and it moves so who's to know"

"I like this stink, lets say things that have been playing on our minds, you go."

I sigh and I think about things that have been on my mind recently. " I can't swim very well"

"I didn't know that"

"you wouldn't be able to tell, I only go in the shallow end when we go swimming so that I don't make an embarrassment of myself and my swimming skills don't kill me, you know get me drowned and that" I say.

"you know in all the years I've known you, you have never told me that you can't swim very well. I can't believe there are things I still don't know about you"

"well stink, I think that must be the only thing you don't know about me now"

"You know my last relationship?"

"yeah that girl who was so possessive about her food, that it was just like creepy"

"I know, it was like she once said to me when we went for food you have yours and I'll have mine, after I tried to take a bite of her food, you know cos thats what couples do" he pauses waiting for me to reply which I just reply with a nod.

"anyway when I put something on we used to just sit on our phones for half the time and I thought when she said just put anything on, it was gonna be like oh put anything on we won't watch it because we'll be too interested in eachother but no it was the boring version of just put anything on" he finishes.

Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficWhere stories live. Discover now