Arabella// Part 7- broken hearts and hospital beds

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"fuck" I say out loud forgetting that Alex is beside me, which gets him asking me if everything is okay. "Not really, I leave for a few days and the lads bottle everything without me there, I need to go home Al, wiil you phone me a taxi to the airport I'll explain everything later to you"

"yeah okay, promise me you'll explain though"

"yeah, course could never think not too"

And so It's official I'm on my way home to sort out Matty's heart, not realising in order to do that, I'd have to sort mine out too.


A/N sooo it's here part 7, I am so sorry for the hurt your about to witness I promise you It's not over yet we still have lots of ground to cover but this is just to get the ball rolling, I promise you. But this is one off the many angst chapters to come, Also the Sarah Jones apperance was not meant to happen. BUT! it happened on accident so It's here now and I can't think of any other names so enjoy


do you ever question whether people need you or not? I do all the time and then it's times like these when G, MacDonald and hann hell even healy prove me right that I'm their rock they need me incase it gets too much and so that's how I found myself roaming wilmslow late at night, jetlagged so bad trying to find one of my bestfriends.

"Do you seriously not know where he is then? Has he just disappeared? Is there anything I can do?" Alex asked from the other end of the phone

"No I don't know where he is, he gets like this though, when G told him he was going to uni just as a backup incase the band didn't work out he ran away didn't speak to anyone for days, thought it was the end for our friendship group, thought he was going to have to work a 9 to 5, in the end he was just sat at the rec with a bag of coke a wine bottle and a zoot, he was in a really bad state, had to coax him home with a movie night of elephant Hann Ross and I had to take it in shifts to make sure he was okay, and Al there's seriously nothing you can do so stop worrying we're all scouring the place, G's here we know what to do. Don't we G?" I break the phone from My ear earning a snatch of the phone from George.

"Yeah mate honestly don't worry, we're all searching the place if anything he'll be at the rec, or at y/n's mum's she always manages to calm him down so honestly Alex don't worry us Wilmslow lot have got it" George starts speaking at a million miles an hour probably the rush from the worrying about Matty. Soon enough Alex puts down the phone after much coaxing from me telling him that he needs to get some sleep, due to the tour rehearsals he has to go to in a few days.


"once again so sorry to drag you out here like this, but you know him better than anyone and we figured if anyone could sort it out it would be you, know you'd much rather be living it up in mexico right now with your new lover boy"

"G stop apologising none of this is your fault or Matty's either so don't you dare start having a go at him when we find him, because I know you'd do exactly the same if this happened to you, plus mexico wasn't that fun just a couple of drinks besides I missed you lot like hell while I was out there, wasn't the same"

"But I can't help but apologise, none of this would've happened if we kept a close eye on him, like always your the one left to pick up the pieces, who said I was going to have a go at him anyway, not right now not when he's just lost the one woman who was so special to him and his parents aswell, they were his rock louis too, maybe when he's recovered I might have a go but not right now. certainly not right now. And aren't you a sweetie."

Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficWhere stories live. Discover now