Arabella//Part 10-ICU

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"hey" I said through my phone sounding quiet, this was something I never wanted to do but for the sake of the boys I'd do anything and everything to keep their jobs for them.

"hey, thought you never wanted to hear from me again, I'm sorry y/n" he spoke to me over the phone. "It's okay I'm over it now, so listen" I wasn't really but it had to be done. "all ears. Are you okay?" he asks sincerity lacing his voice "err not really. Matty's in hospital, In a coma, he needs to go to rehab, the guys were supposed to record their album and I'm supposed to be in Mexico right now."

"shit, look I appreciate you telling me. But why?" "Ross had an Idea, not one that was appreciated by George, but Adam and I thought it would probably be best." "riiiiight?" "umm, Ross thought that you could take Matty's place temporarily, Just to record the album, not go on tour or anything like that, Jamie said they can wait for that, just until Matty's better, and more inclined to perform, he can't right now he's temporarily unconcious"

"umm, Y/n, could you leave this with me I'll have to talk with people and have a think, can I get back to you by the end of the day"

"yeah, of course you can. Just have a long hard think about it, I've got to go to the hospital anyway."

"thanks y/n/n you were always the best at giving extended deadlines" he says with a chuckle, before hanging up.


Walking into Dr. Inverness' office, with the answer it was decided that we would all appreciate it if Matty went to rehab he couldn't go on the way he was. What we all had agreed on though was that he wouldn't go to a rehab service provided by the NHS he would go to a nice rehabilliation centre situated away from the UK and would get 1 to 1 care that was needed.

Knocking on the Doctors door earns me a "come in"

"ahh y/n l/n, nice of you to show your face have you got an answer for me?"

"I do and I don't" "I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that love." "we all want Matty to go to Rehab, but we don't want him to go to one provided by the NHS (no offence), you know because of the risks and all, that he won't get better, wont get the attention he deserves because of his case, but I was wondering if you could put me in touch with one of these types of services"

"Absolutely, I had a son go through the exact same thing we didn't want him to go through the NHS because I know what their like you know, So we decided to send him to this one, I think they might be exactly what you're looking for. It's here somewhere" He says digging through his things. Before pulling out a buisness card from his desk and sliding it over the table to me. I take it and slot it in my purse putting it away to call them later.

"Just one thing else, whatever you do, don't contact them until Matty's woken up because they will want to get him situated in their as soon as after the phone call"

"okay thank you, so much for the help. I'm gonna go see Matty now."


2 weeks Later

Laying in bed with my laptop and my phone out, at the moment I was skyping Alex we've been doing that a lot lately, trying to find space in the time difference and our busy days, alex with touring and Me with replying to emails about anything and everything, any modelling job I can take here in England not much at the moment but It's looking up it really is.

"Hows the job search going babe?"

"It's going not well, they're all in U.S. or europe I'm not suprised with London Fashion week just gone, Paris and New York fashion weeks coming up thats all modelling Agency's are looking for, and I can't particuallarly put anything up on twitter because it will spark suspicion and we're trying to keep the fans in the dark about Matty."

"how is he anyway?"

"he's good, one of the nurses said he should come round real soon, so it's looking real good, just worried that when I tell him about rehab and Jake coming on the album he's going to flip and run, just like he always does."

"mmh, hows things with Adam" Adam and I haven't spoke since we had that arguement out in my parents garden, if I had any news about anything revolving how Matty's doing or about the album I would either tell Ross or George and they would relay it to him, I hope so anyway.

"not good, we're still not talking to eachother. And I've said to George and Ross if he wants to talk he's going to be the one to apologise, he's the one that said all those hateful things about our best mate and it wasn't fair on Matty, we all deal with pain differently, that's just how he dealt with his."

"yeah, I get that 100% though, why should you be the one to apologise" Alex said before a ringing from my phone interrupted the next thing I was about to say.

Naturally I answered it.


"hello, is this Y/n L/n?"


"your friend is awake, Matty Healy, could you come down here please"

"yes of course I can, I'll be there in about 10/15 minutes" I say hanging up.

"y/n?" alex says reminding me that he's still there, "is everything okay?"

"Mattys awake."


end of chap 10

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