Arabella// Part 8- spinning out waiting for him/something has to change

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I must've been there for what felt like ages after my tears stopped, the sun was finally rising, what even is time anymore I certainly don't know, all I do know was that Matty certainly wasn't waking up anytime soon and the doctor needed an answer and I needed to sort my head out before, I spun out waiting for him to wake up and so that I could give a proper answer.

To be quite frank I didn't know what I was to say to the doctor, If I was to say yes, what would be the risk? Would Matty and the guys not get their break would they have bottled it already, what would moving out to London have done for them? nothing. And if I was to say no, what would happen? Would it be an even greater risk? would he just keep getting to the point where he would overdose and end up in the Overdose ward too many times, would he get to the point where he would ruin the band, all his relationships, me included? It was too much of a heavy decision to leave on my hands.

One thing was for sure I needed to sit everyone down in the same room. George, Ross, Adam, My mum and dad (they had just a say in the matter as anyone else they are his second mum and dad for goodness sake), Denise and Tim. No matter how hard that may be considering the circumstances that the both of them are going through they needed to put it to one side and focus on their boy.


plucking myself from my best friends side,after much hesitation, I made my way back to the A&E reception, where sure enough, most of Matty's loved ones sat: My Mum, My Dad, Adam, Ross, George and Denise. Tim not being here making it clear that he was looking after Louis at home as the youngest of the Healy boys was nowhere to be found either.

As soon as they saw me they all shot up out of their seats, coming over to me meeting me in the middle of the reception area, worrisome looks on each of their faces. Denise was the first to speak

"How is he?" of course I had to reply, but I really didn't know how. How do I tell her that her son, is sat (laying down), not breathing (at least not without support), in a coma, which he may never wake up from? Instead, I don't reply and walk out, not letting my expression waver until I'm out of the hospital holding one hand up and the other covering my mouth.


y/n's dads POV-

"what the fuck" Denise says from beside me,

"just all of you wait here, I'll find out what's wrong, remember she had to find out what happened to Matty on her own, and if it's one of the worse things imagineable how do you think she could muster up the courage to tell you Denise hmm?" Denise doesn't utter a word back, and so I swipe my things from the wooden table they were sat on and leave the hospital entrance, only to find y/n outside sat on the bonnet of my car smoking a cigarette.

"OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I shout at her playfully. "Shit dad! I'm sorry." She says jumping down off my bonnet. "no I just meant" I pause jumping on the bonnet of my car her now joining me. "How dare you smoke a cigarette on the bonnet of my car without me" "oh dad! You little shit, I hate you sometimes" she says shoving me lightly adding in a half-hearted laugh at the end of the sentence.

She hands me one chucking her lighter at me, and I light it with ease. and she leans my head on my shoulder and starts sobbing silently this is only obvious because I can feel it and I turn myself to her.

"It's all so shit dad, I couldn't do it" I cock my head to the left and raise my eyebrow, questioning what she meant.

"I couldn't tell Denise, I couldn't tell her, I couldn't tell her that her son, her first born fucking son, Is lying on a hospital bed, barely breathing" she pauses to take a drag out of her cigarette, then continues "he's in a coma, blunt force trauma to the head, he also overdosed: coke, weed, oxy and meth. Not to mention he had alcohol poisioning, think he fell off the ramp after suffering the alcohol poisioning."

"shit so he's worse than we thought then?" "yeah clearly, they also wanted me to make a decision but I needed a proper discussion with everyone, they want a decision before he wakes up dad." "slow down slow down, sweetheart, I'm not getting younger here, my ears can't keep up with your fast speech. what are we talking about?"

She looks at me with the eyes when she's about to give a serious speech, the same ones she gave me when talking about moving to london, the same ones she gave me when we decided to convince me to live with a load of boys, the same ones she gave me when ending it with her ex-boyfriend, so this is how I knew that she was being serious and wasn't fucking about. "whether or not to send him to rehab dad, something has to change, whether it be his lifestyle, the people he's hanging out with or ultimately, the band. All I know though dad, is that something will change and I hate it"

And she threw her hands round my back crying again. I joined my hands round her back rubbing, them "oh darling, It's okay, everything may be bad righ-"

"It's bad dad, I know I know, but how? how was I meant to make that consecutive decsion on my own? what am I gonna do there are so many risks with going with each option, but which option is the least riskiest we need to make the decision aswell, I need the bands manager to sit in on this aswell, doesn't have to say much, shouldn't take much convincing for Jamie Would you be able to host dad?"

"yeah yeah course, and if worse comes to worst, I'm sure we can get turner to come join in on the band, just for rehearsals though, Healy's got a lot of kick left in him, hes not gonna be out of the band just yet, they haven't even made leeds fest yet, I have a feeling we're gonna be there in attendance for them real soon" I say more for the hopes of convincing myself it's true rather than convincing her at this point.

"just leeds Dad? or What about glasto? Was the biggest dream of mattys to play glasto stage." she says teasing at least finding some sort of giggle in all the mess, that has been of the past few hours.

"maybe Glasto would be nice too yeah, but leeds first. We always promised that we'd attend there first."

"yeah I know, was there along for the whole ride dad"

"I won't what about you? what about your modelling career? How's that going? Do you remember that perfume advert you did when you were sixteen? You'd never shut up about it, ended up putting earplugs in half the time the way you were talking about it, until you moved on to the next thing."

"HEY! I KNEW YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE, AND PLEASE IT WAS MY OPENING INTO MY CAREER, and as for your information, I do, I forgot all about it, everyone was looking at me, was wondering why, then going to the hotel realised it was because the advert was plastered everywhere, and I mean everywhere, you name it."

"awwh, but honestly, that day when you came back from the audition, Matty was so happy for you, you could honestly sense, the radiation off of him was like a glow in a sunlight, didn't stop asking me at the kitchen table when you were gonna be back, the only time that boy has ever gotten on my nerves"

Jumping down, I offer my hand so she can take it and she takes it and we link arms

"come on lets go face them tell them together, my little bug" I say placing a kiss on her forehead.


end of chap 8.

Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficWhere stories live. Discover now