Arabella//Part 12- There'll be a riot cos I know you

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"hello?" I say

"hello. Is this Y/N L/N."

"It is how can I help."

"it's matty."

"what about him?"

"he's disappeared"

"okay. I'm coming I'll be there soon." I say ending the phone before screaming




Words: 1932


2 years later... 2014... dee's coffee bar

"thank you for coming we didn't really know who to call when he gets like this"

"yeah no worries, delilah I get that. Couldn't really call his mum. I appreciate you."

"yeah I felt that way and G and ross weren't picking up either so..." she pauses not meaning to make it awkward.

"Their phones probably died" I say knowing it was true but they don't really know delilah like Matty and I do so it's understandable.

"yeah...well he's just through here. come on I'll take you to him"

We walk into the room and he's slumped over the coffee bar, with his head hung. He turns to look at who was working through the door and you could see how run down he was. Eyes red rore, from all the crying.

"hey sweetheart." He says straining his voice. "shhh, don't make your pretty voice worse than it already is. Just answer me with nods shakes of the head and thumbs up and down and in the middle okay pretty boy" I ask which earns me a nod and a thumbs up.

"Were you having problems again?" he nods. "did you mean to shout at me?" he shakes his head accompanied by a thumb down. "do you want to take again?" he nods and puts his thumb up "did you do the exercises you were taught" he nods

I brace myself for the final question I'm about to ask "did you take anything?" he pauses, drops his head momentarily before bringing it up and shaking it with a thumbs down following suite. "That's so good Matty I'm awfully proud of you. You've been in and out of rehab for the past 2 years I am so so so proud of you darling boy" I say before bringing him in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

2 years earlier... (2012) manchester general hospital.

"you're here finally. we've been waiting for your arrival" A nurse joins me at my side in the opioid overdose ward, where matty had been residing ever since he was bought in 3 weeks ago.

"I recieved a call earlier that Matty had gone? disappeared from his room?"

"yes. yes. he has but those people from the rehab centre have just arrived their wanting to speak to you about the plan after Mr Healy's discharge. Mrs Healy." She had incorrectly made an assumption that I was Matty's wife. Taken aback by this I paused stopping directly in the walkway causing the nurse behind me to trip up on me. "What is it? Is something wrong? Have I said the wrong thing?" "Nothing don't worry. Shouldn't the main focus be on finding Matty and not these rehab people he's not in the right frame of mind at the minute to be speaking about any of this."

"yes but you see Mrs Healy, the thing is these people don't like to wait around and want to get him admitted straight away it's their motto 'the longer you leave it the more worse it'll get'" "Look I appreciate your trying to keep your cool I really do. But I really couldn't care less about the plan after Matty's discharge. I really couldn't my main focus is on finding my bestfriend. Oh and you got it wrong I'm not Matty's wife, just his bestfriend but I appreciate the compliment I really do but I need to find him. Now if you'll be so kind I'm going to find dr. Inverness" I say before walking off to dr inverness' office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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