Arabella//Part 9-nobody said it was easy

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Jumping down, I offer my hand so she can take it and she takes it and we link arms

"come on lets go face them tell them together, my little bug" I say placing a kiss on her forehead.



Walking with my dad back in through the hospital entrance was something that made my heart heavy because I knew eventually I had to explain what happened I just didn't know how to.

"so? whats the verdict then?" Denise looked between my dad and I with an eyebrow raised. Then my dad looked at me as if to say 'do you want to tell her' and I shook my head with tears brimming my eyes.

"denise, we're all going to go home, get some rest then recoup at ours in the morning, we need a serious conversation about Matty, a collective decision that we all need to make together"

I mouth thank you to my dad which he just replies with a wink and a mouthing of "it's alright sweetheart"

sighing she nods knowing it's probably for the best as we're all running low on sleep and it would probably make her overreact and no one deserves a shouting Denise especially in such a public place like a hospital, where theres already heavy hearts from injurys and the immence waiting time of the NHS.

"okay, so we'll all meet back at ours at 1 then, George I know you don't have any family back here anymore so you can stay with us, give dennie here a break yeah, can make a bacon and egg sarnie for ya in the morning" my mum perks up from where she was stood drying her eyes. Matty, George, Ross and Adam are like the son's she never had so naturally, she was crying because of it, but when it came to it she would be the rock and sensible head for everyone.

"honestly, you don't have to, I can get a hotel room for the night"

"No G, you're family, so you're staying"

sighing he comes with tagging along, next to me throwing an arm round my shoulder.

"G you drive back with Y/n/n, we'll see you at ours"


Everyone was gathered round the table at 1pm the next day, Tim and Denise putting aside their issues all in turn for their son. Jamie had even come up from London, he clearly cares so much about the guys to do that because he was very busy. You could tell Matty was loved by so many, this just made it harder for me though because I would be breaking everyone's hearts.

"Right, is everyone settled. everyone got drinks? Tissues?" my mother states her clear motherliness coming into clutch looking after everyone around her.

"mum just sit down, everyones fine" I say, getting her to sit down. In turn making me stand up so I could announce what was going on with Matty.

"Now I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you all here, now this isn't going to be an easy topic, It's going to be quite shocking for some." I had to pause

"go on" Tim's newcastle accent breaking the closing of my eyes to hold the tears back.

"So, I'm going to say it, He suffered from blunt force trauma to the head, he had fallen off of the highest ramp at the rec, from alcohol poisoning, he's been put in a medically induced coma, he could wake up in days weeks months years, he may never wake up time will only tell" I pause again because a mix of oh gods and sobbing could be heard.

George is the one to break the silence this time "that isn't the only thing is it?" he says, he can read me like a book he knows I wouldn't be standing up still if I didn't have more news to tell.

"no it isn't George, you would be correct. As some of you know, Matty likes to drabble in drugs, I did sometimes as well, but it gets at its worse when hes upset, the guys and I usually make it in time but this time we didn't, he took every drug you could imagine, weed coke oxy meth, I think heroin was mentioned but I'm not too sure. Now, I'm sure some of you are aware dad and I have told you we have a decision to make"

"what is it?" Denise half-sobs-half-asks.

"whether or not to send Matty to rehab, I need this to be a collective decision. And I need you to really think before you all start. It could get worse, he could overdose multiple times, he could die. He might come out as a different person, he might not want to continue his career, so I ask you all to think, just think please" is all I said before going out into the garden, and then all the tears came back out again.


"hey" a voice says from behind me

"shit G, don't do that do a girl you proper scared me"

and I looked behind me and all my mates were standing behind me and they joined me sitting outside coming in for a hug and we all shred a few tears, we might've lost our best mate.

"you know we'll all get through this don't you, we love matty way too much to chance him dying we'll all put our careers on hold for him, G ads and I can go work in bars, enough to scrape rent, besides if needs come to musts, Al could always be an in-fill for matty, or..." ross says, then George perks up

"Ross no, absolutely not, not with what ads and y/n/n have gone through"

"I think it's a good idea, he sounds just enough like Matty to pass off as him, you guys can keep your jobs, He can fill in while mattys doing whatever, I have Al now, all you have to do is get Adams permission" I say pointing to Adam who's stood with his back to us looking out into the distance.

"yeah, I was listening, fuck it do it I'm over it now, Y/n get your phone give him a call see if he wants to." George gives us both a look knowing that it's not a good idea.

"G, we're desperate to record, I'm not gonna throw it away, all because a fucker of our best mate got high and got killed"

"ADAM! HES NOT DEAD JUST IN A COMA, ALSO ITS NOT HIS FAULT, HES GOING THROUGH THINGS EVERYTHING CAME TO A HEAD, IF ANYTHING ITS MY FAULT OKAY?" I shout, before I completly meltdown and G and Ross come to my side hugging me before I drop to the floor.

"y/n/n im sorry, i didn't mean it"

"enough adam, go inside" g says from my side.


"just go" ross says.


Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficWhere stories live. Discover now