arabella pt 3- a change of heart

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when the debrief happens and y/n cant find alex anywhere

warnings- swearing, heartbreak, mentions of cheating


"look all I'm trying to say George is that maybe we should go over some of the pacts we made and see if some of them need rediscussing or not" "Look just get some sleep matty, we all need rest, lets discuss this better when we're actually not delusional" the bed being well inflated by now I hug George goodnight retrieving a blanket from the pile of junk on one side of the room. and getting some well-deserved rest.


After a well deserved night of rest from last nights activities its safe to say I was still sore after all Alex and I did have a few rounds, anyway I'm letting my point digress. Right now its currently 1pm and I've just woken up to an empty bed, Alex nowhere to be found. The thing that woke me up? George singing a bad rendition of an elvis presley song, probably to get me up to make him and everyone juice. Thats the thing with George, the thing with all the boys really, once they get an idea in their head they literally do not let go, so it looks like im going to have to get up and go on the hunt for alex to ask if he wants a juice and a bacon sandwich because I just know that Ross will be making them, Its what we've always done we go on a night out, then the morning after we have bacon sandwiches and juice and debrief from the night befores previous' antics.

So eventually managing to stand, i get up and go look for Alex not finding him on the balcony, I then admit my defeat of being unlucky trying to find the chocolate eyed boy and head into the kitchen met with surprise because George was cooking the bacon sandwiches this time. "Ahh y/n/n was wondering when you'd get up, here woke up and found this on the side" George said handing me a napkin folded over with my name on it with words scribbled in sharpie inside. "Hey! You should apologise it was your god awful rendition of elvis presley that woke me up from my beauty sleep, lord knows, thanks. You didn't read it did you?" my words coming out to George a bit more mean than usual.

"No. I didn't, thought you wouldn't want me too. Plus it wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me would it?" laughing at his words "since when are you a gentleman George?" to that i was just met with a hum in response so I decided to open the napkin which read.

"y/n i really enjoyed last night had to run though have to record in the studio for the new album coming, think you'll really like this one, its got a bit of everything in it, so sorry to run wouldve loved to try your juice. anyway , heres my number 07*********, call me sometime soon we can organise something im sure

Al x :)"

Smiling like a giddy school girl whos just got invited to her first date, I put it in my pocket of my hoodie, saving it for later making a mental note to call him when everyone was gone. George then spoke up from infront of me interrupting my train of thought, "So y/n what did you get up to last night? Anything interesting?" "whats that supposed to mean G?" i asked raising my eyebrows in question. "Nothing just wanted to know if anything happened with alex, he seems like a good lad and also i noticed how close you two were last night. I also may or may not have heard you two just a tad." Burying my head in my hands out of abashment, "oh god i only thought matty had heard, dear lord. Im so sorry G."

"Yeah well it wasnt just matty was it, it was Ross and I aswell okay it might have been a bit embarrassing but when have you not heard one of us, im very happy for you though, y/n/n, glad to see you get back on the field especially after col-" holding my finger out interrupting his sentence "dont you dare utter his name, other wise i will manifest that that bacon spits at you so much that you have burns all over your fingers that they blister and its unbearable pain for weeks"

Arabella- a matty healy/alex turner ficWhere stories live. Discover now