••Your local dumbass••

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"IM GONNA DO IT!!!!!" B3 yelled from the roof. "Nooooo!" Ben yelled back. "LETS DO THIS!!!!!" B3 jumped from the 2 story house into Neo's pool. "Ya good?" Neo said with his eyes wide. "He belly flopped...." Ben's eyes also wide. "That....... WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!! But now I'm cold."

B3 got to dry off in Neo's living room. "Did it hurt?" Neo asked worriedly. "Kinda...." B3 looked at his skateboard. Then a grin appeared on his shade-covered face.

"B3???" Neo asked. Ben came back with some cookies fresh baked from the oven. "Hey, guys I-." Ben looked at B3. "He face planted himself while attempting to do a backflip on his skateboard. "Ooowwwwww......"


Ben, Neo, and B3 went to go get ice cream. "Hey, let's do a challenge!" B3 said excitedly. "I'm up for it! What about you?" Neo asked. "O-ok!" Ben smiled. "Ok, now that everyone agrees, let's see who can eat their ice cream the fastest!" B3 said. "Whoa! Wait, we all know how that will end." Neo said. Ben looked at his ice cream and then looked at Neo and B3. "Yeah, we can get a brain freeze." Ben said.

Ben and Neo ate their ice cream at a good pace while B3 on the other hand, was eating it fast. Until.......
"Told ya so." Neo said smiling. "I told you so!" B3 mimicked. "Shut up!" Neo said
The argument kept going on with B3 mimicking every single little thing Neo said. From mimicking his words, to mimicking both his actions and words.

"B3 is a dumbass!" Neo yelled. B3 didn't copy. "Ha! I win Dummy!" Neo chuckled. "Oookk...." Ben dragged both the boys back to the car. They got home.

"So how'd it go?" Pico asked Ben as he sat next to him rubbing Ben's hands. "Ok, I guess. They ended up getting into a fight." Pico chuckled and they lay down to get some shuteye. "Night softie.." Pico said as he kissed his forehead. "Night Pico....."

Hope this was a good one! I will post some more. This one was a bit rushed, but that's ok!

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