••Not a oneshot: Headcannons for the FNF kids••

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This is just one simple page on the FNF characters in my AU. Mostly the characters kids, my Ocs.

Blane: Blane is a kid that is the son of OG bf and gf. He wears a soft red hat with a Light blue bill. He wears a green and cyan short sleeved hoodie with a teal star in the middle. He has cyan hair that fades into brown. And he has a black long sleeve shirt under his hoodie.

•He has 3 other siblings.
•Blane's crush is Melissa, Ben and Pico's kid.
•He loves chocolate 🍫
•His fav video game is Minecraft
•he is 6years old
•he is half human, half demon- because his parents obviously.
•He is good at singing
•Blane likes to prank people
•he is overprotective of his littles sis Mia
•Blane's BFF's are Oliver and Melissa. (They are a trio)
Melissa: Melissa is a rascal. She has blonde and ginger hair. She wears light blue overalls with a green shirt underneath with a light grey long-sleeved shirt. She has orange shoes. She has the same ahoge as Ben.

•She's an only child
•She likes bugs
•Melissa's nickname is Meli or Melissi.
•whenever one of her dads are sad she will try he hardest to make them feel better.
•if anyone messes with someone she cares about, They. Will. Perish.(not really she's just gonna give them a big meal of a knuckle sandwich from subway!)
• she is strong. She can beat the life out of 3 men/women at once. (Depending on their strength ofc)
•she loves gum
•she is one troublemaker
•Melissa does not like Blane back, she just sees him as a best friend
•she is 5 years old
•she likes to draw
•Melissa can be really creepy sometimes. But No one really knows.
•she hangs out with Oliver and Blane, her Bff's
Mia: Mia is Blane's lil sis. She has a high pony, her hair also is cyan and fades into  brown. She wears a short sleeved hoodie but with no long sleeved shirt. Her hoodie is light purple.

• Mia enjoys watching The Amazing World Of GumBall with Blane,Vanessa and Milo, her 3 siblings.
•she is also half demon, half human like Blane.
•she is allergic to peppermint
•she is afraid of jump scares so she never plays fnaf
•she is 3 years old
•her favorite sibling is Milo, the youngest
•Blane and Mia are the middle children, Vanessa is the oldest, and Milo is the youngest

Vanessa: Vanessa is the oldest! She wears a periwinkle short sleeve shirt with One of These:

  •she is allergic to peppermint •she is afraid of jump scares so she never plays fnaf  •she is 3 years old  •her favorite sibling is Milo, the youngest •Blane and Mia are the middle children, Vanessa is the oldest, and Milo is the youngest  •CAND...

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She also wears Bue jeans and purple sneakers. Her hair is the same as her siblings. She has long hair.

Facts :)
•she is fifteen years old
•she is also half demon half human
•she loves to read
•she is pretty smart (idk where she got the brains from)
•she can tell who is lying easily
•her favorite aunt is Miku
•she sings by herself
•she would get bullied all the time for her lazy eye, but is afraid to tell anyone
•she will not let anyone mess with her siblings. If you do, she will beat you to shreds

Milo: Milo is the youngest of his siblings. He wears a pink and blue hoodie with black sleeves. He has light blue jeans and black shoes. SAME HAIR AS HIS SIBLINGS!!!

•he is 2 years old
•he is strong he can lift 10 ponds
•his first word was lasagna
•it's hard to make this dude get up in the morning (he goes to daycare)
•he always tries to climb on the roof
•kids at daycare make fun of him because his favorite color is pink
•He. Hates. Oatmeal
•Milo is a dare devil

Elliot: Elliot is the child of B3 and Shaya.
She wears a lime green shirt and a black skirt. She has an obsidian necklace. Her hair is green and it fades into magenta. Her hair is short up to her neck. And she has black ballet shoes.

• she is 6 years old
•she is a ballerina
•she is that one shy kid in class
•she likes to sing alone and wishes she can sing and dance on stage without being shy
•she is Melissa's cousin and Demitrii's cousin.
(Demitrii is Neo and Neo gf's kid)
•she is not shy to the people she knows and trusts
•sometimes she steals B3's sunglasses when he's sleeping to pretend to be him
•she hates horror
•clowns are her biggest fear

Demitrii: Demitrii wears a periwinkle hoodie with pink drawstrings and a light blue hood. He also wears blue jeans and orange-brown boots. He has black hair with glowing green and pink tips.

•he is good at coding and can make a game for you!
•he is 6 years old
•loves his best friend: his computer
•he is afraid of the dark
•his hair serves as a night light
•his cousins call him glow stick (mostly Melissa)
•he is good at making beats in Beat maker pro
•he is good at Minecraft and Fortnite
•Demitrii's nicknames are: glow stick, night light, (Melissa calls him these)
Or deedee (By Elliot sometimes)
Oliver: Oliver is Grace and Senpai's kid. He has Brown hair, a froggy hat, a green oversized hoodie, baggy jeans, and black shoes.


•he is 5 years old
•he is a curious kid
•Oliver is Melissa and Blane's BFF
•he is an outdoor kid
•he is in the same class as Melissa and Blane
•he calms down Melissa when her anger issues start to act up
•he has a sweet voice (cute)
•his greatest fear is blood
• Melissa and Oliver are very protective of each other
•Oliver loves cookies as well as Melissa
• he enjoys going to the movies or amusement parks
•he loves spending time with his family

That's it for now! This took me a while. See ya! But sometimes I'm a multi shipper when it comes to b3 and Neo so I ship Neo and B3 and B3 and Shaya. +Neo and Neo Gf. So my main ship for them is B3eo and Shaya x Neo Gf.

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