A Battle Won

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Hiccup, I blushed and smiled as I  hid in the basement with sissy and the other children and froze as I noticed snotlout standing guard with Hookfang. I blushed and grabbed sissies shoulder and signed tell Snot I need toothless. I blushed as I saw hookfang looking at me, watching my hands. I blushed and signed get toothless, please I don't feel well. I smiled as he nodded and let out what must have been a loud summons roar. I blushed as Xavier came in and Nuzzled me. What's wrong, my love? I blushed and signed  I feel ill, like I ate something bad. I blushed and began retching and blushed as I thought back and gasped. I blushed and frantically looked at Xavier and said  Call my dad now. Tell him I need to see Gothi immediately. I blushed as he nodded and said why, what's wrong? I blushed and leaned our heads together and replayed the picnic with Astrid focusing specifically on my plate, which had a  highly suspect form of mushrooms, and said those mushrooms are still in the cove wrapped in my blanket. I blushed as he nodded and took off.


I blushed as I flew straight to the cove gathering the mushrooms, and flew back to stoick. Turning humanoid said Stoick  Hiccup has asked me to tell you he's sick and needs Gothi. He suspects these as the culprit holding up the mushrooms. I blushed as Stoick's color drained and asked where he got ahold of those. I blushed and said I didn't know but found them in his stuff. I blushed and growled as Astrid came up and said he got them from me. Stoick cussed and asked were you aware Hiccup is deathly allergic to all mushrooms? Astrid, I might have heard it, but I didn't believe it. Stoick sighed angrily and said toothless, get Hiccup to Gothi, and Do not delay. I blushed as I heard a heart-stopping roar from hookfang and took off flying In full dragon form and saw Hiccup collapsed, foaming at the mouth. I blushed and scooped him up, and ran back In humanoid form. I blushed as I sprinted to Gothi and said  Hiccup's been given these, setting the mushrooms on her table. She blushed and frowned as her eyes widened and said quickly set him down. I  nodded and laid Hiccup down and blushed as she hurriedly mixed an antidote and said  make him drink. I blushed and held him up, and said open your mouth, love. He blushed and let his mouth flop open. I sighed and poured the antidote into his mouth and whispered swallow  holding his mouth shut. I blushed and smiled as I saw him swallow, then let him lie back, resting. I blushed as Gothi said he must rest. You must keep watch. I nodded and sat.

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