Xavier's Challenger

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I sighed as I was walking through town and noticed Hookfang following me. I sighed and walked over to my father-in-law and whispered I'm being followed I'm going to find Xavier while you keep an eye out. He nodded and said you'll find him in the cove. I nodded and headed to the cove and smiled as I spotted Xavier snoozing in the sun and let out a distress call and smiled as Xavier snarled jumping to his feet. I blushed and smiled as he looked up at me and spotted my irritated and deadpan look that said he's following me again. I smiled as Xavier growled and silently communicated come to me, mate. I smiled and leaped gliding landing beside my mate and froze as Hookfang came out of nowhere issuing a challenge. I smiled as Xavier won and growled quietly I warned you already therefore you will pay the price. I blushed and turned away as Xavier ripped Hookfangs ass apart fucking him and said I'm sorry mate I know you don't like it when I have to dominate. I smiled as Xavier nuzzled my neck and said its fine. I smiled as Hookfang looked traumatized and said I'm sorry before running away with his tail between his legs. I smiled and kissed Xavier wrestling tongues. I blushed as I roared in pain feeling contractions. I blushed as Xavier looked at me panicked and said what's wrong? I blushed and said it's time getting into position to lay the eggs. I blushed as Xavier realized what I was saying and let out a screech meant to call his family. I blushed as the Queen came running up and said relax hiccup. I blushed and nodded as I laid all three eggs. I blushed as I felt a fourth one and blushed as Xavier whispered whoa. I blushed and smiled as we kissed passionately and set up a proper nest for them. I blushed laying down and said Xavier hon I need food. I smiled as Xavier quickly nodded and took off.

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