Xavier's Attentiveness

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I blushed as I heard a muffled growling from beside me. I turned and looked to see Hiccup irritably digging in the cove. I  blushed and walked over and said Hiccup? I blushed as he snarled at me and said what. I blushed and said what's wrong love? He sighed and said I'm sorry love I'm just getting antsy stuck in the cove. I blushed and said I'll stay if you want to go out. Hiccup blushed and smiled who has the best mate ever? I chuckled and  Nuzzled him and whispered I'm just doing my duty as your mate go have fun I'll call you if anything happens. I smiled as Hiccup nodded and took off. I chuckled and walked back to the nest and laid down. I smiled as I sighed and looked out towards the entrance.


I sighed walking the familiar path back to the village and smiled as I  walked into the village. I smiled as I  turned into my Humanoid form and smiled as I walked into my Mom and Dad's and said hey Mom Dad. I smiled as they chuckled and hugged me tightly and said shouldn't you be with your eggs? I smiled as I said Xavier's watching them. I smiled as they nodded and said OK then. I froze as I  sensed something was amiss and opened the door and sent off a check in sound off screech. I smiled as I heard  Xavier's all clear and froze as I heard a  distress call from the arena. I blushed and  transformed into dragon form and took off flying and landing looked around to see Astrid corner my Sister inlaw. I  growled and let out a  raging war cry and smiled as I heard Xavier's answer and watched as Xavier's landed with everyone except for his mother. I  smiled as  Astrid froze as fear flickered in her eyes and watched as she swung her axe missing my skull by centimeters. I chuckled and said foolish human you done fucked up. I smiled as Xavier flew into a rage and snapped Astrid in two. I smiled and Nuzzled him as he crooned checking for injuries. I smiled as he turned to his sister and said are you well? She nodded and said yes. I smiled and froze as I felt an all to familiar lightheaded feeling and screeched get my father as I transformed and completely lost consciousness.


I froze as I watched my hiccup collapse. I growled as I sniffed Catching the scent of death on him. I blushed and turned human and looked at Gobber fetch the Chief. I blushed as I nudged Hiccup and said  love wake up. I blushed as I heard a bellow of Hiccup!! from Stoick. I stepped aside and froze as stoick dropped to his knees pressing his head to Hiccup's chest and placed a hand on his forehead. I blushed and turned human and said  What is wrong with my mate? I blushed as Stoick  shifted and began looking for scratches and marks and spotted a small dart in his right shoulder. I blushed and carefully pulled it out and sniffed then screech burning it. I blushed and roared send for the Queen treason! Stoick frowned and said what do you mean treason? I growled and said that dart was of Nightfurry make dipped in eels blood one of the most poisonous substances known to Nightfurries. Stoick froze and said what are you saying? Im saying one of my one intentionally tried to poison and kill my mate which is high treason in Nightfurry custom. I growled as my Mother came in and spotted the dart and the Ill form of my mate collapsed. I looked to her as she spoke Let the disgruntled fury step forth and adress their queen! I  watched as my Ex hung his head and shifted and said it was I. I  growled and narrowed my eyes and said you've got one chance to beg for your life fail and you will pay with your life. I  watched as he shifted and said  I  have no excuse or argument I was stupid and foolish I accept my punishment. I froze confused as to why he wasn't arguing the charge. I blushed and cautiously approached and sniffed realized he was remorseful. I frowned and said why would you do it? He shifts and looked up deep into my eyes where I saw nothing but a broken heart and a longing for me. I sighed and shifted and looked over at hiccup and said if you save him ill talk to him.

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