Chapter 6 / a date?

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Trigger warnings?:

Karl pov:

For the rest of the day my mind was a blur and it was now the last lesson of the day, luckily I shared this lesson with techno. We walked into the class and sat at our seats as did everyone else and the teacher,

"Hello class, my name is mr. Cloud, I'm your new teacher" he smiled,

I turned to techno who sat beside me "how much you wanna bet that I can get him to leave?" I smirked, techno laughed and replied with '$50'

As the teacher began talking I started making dostractions like, throwing paper balls, pens and even scissors. Mr cloud turned around after I threw a paper ball that hit his head, I stood up "guess I should I go to the principal" I smiled.

But the teacher said something that confused me "no, Karl. Sit down and I will speak to you after class" the teacher smirked but no one seemed to noticed. I sat back down confused and the time passed by quickly as I was lost in thought.

I watched everyone leave while I was still sat down, mr cloud sighed and walked over to me "you know, I've heard much about you Karl when I joined. I'm only 22 which means I understand kids more than other teachers" he went on,

"You want to know what I read about you?" He asked, I shrugged and nodded slowly.

"Short, brunette, rude, a bully" he went on, on describing myself as I just listened, he turned to face me and put his hands on my desk, leaning down.

"But they didn't say you was this cute" he smiled, I looked into his soft brown eyes before looking down with a slightly red face.

"I like nick! What am I doing? He's my teacher! But he's.." I thought for a second and looked up at the taller male looking down at me "..kinda cute" mr cloud smirked as if he knew what I was thinking, he gripped my chin lightly and leaned down

"you can call me jake" he grinned and connected our lips together, it was a passionate kiss and it felt good like we were soulmates.


"Yes?" Jake helped me put my things in my bag and handed it to me

"Can I take you on a date?" He asked, my cheeks fluttered red as I hesitated

"What if-"

"We would go on a date outside of town, please?" Jake looked at me with pleading eyes like a puppy, I laughed a bit before nodding,

"Okay jake, pick me up at 7 tonight?" I offered, he nodded and I wrote down the address to the  house 4 doors down from mine, I didn't want him seeing my parents and then change his mind about me. I said my goodbyes to Jake and told him I'd see him later as I walked out, I made my way outside of the school to see techno he looked concerned?

"What was that about?" He asked, I shrugged, not wanting to tell him anything that happened. I looked around for any sign of George since I wanted him to come help me pick an outfit. He didn't care about my problems at home, he was always there for me, I mean- so was techno but most of the time I usually think that techno would out me to people. I searched the car park to see George with clay and Nick, he'd been hanging around them a lot but I didn't blame him, he had a crush on clay. I walked over to them and slung an arm around his shoulders,

"Hey gogs- got a date tonight and need your help" I smiled while messing his hair up, he hugged and pushed my hand off of his and tried to neaten his hair.

"Sure, who's your date?" He asked

"You have a date?" Nick scoffed,

I nodded and stared at Nick "jealous?" I laughed which caused clay and George to laugh, I liked annoying him.

"I'm not jealous, just surprised. Maybe he'll teach you to be a bette person" Nick said as he rolled his eyes rudely.

"Yeah that'll never happen." I reassured him and turned to George "he's picking me up at seven, so can we leave?" I begged, George laughed and then shook his head sighing

"Of course Karl" he giggled and said his goodbyes to clay and Nick, mostly clay before we left.

- time skip to Karl's house -

Me and George were in my room, I was on my bed stressing about what to wear while George looked through my closet. It was a good thing my dad wasn't here because he would've gone mental if he saw me bring someone home.

"How about this?" George suggested while holding an outfit, I nodded and got up before taking the clothes from him and walking to my bathroom. I locked the door and put the outfit on, when I had finished putting it on I looked in the mirror, I was wearing a white shirt with black ripped jeans and a golden chain wrapping itself around my neck.

"Okay I'm coming out" I called out before unlocking the door and walking out, George gasped and jumped up and down,

"My baby is growing up so fast!" He squeezed. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully

"Yeah, yeah, shut up" I said in a joking tone, George walked up to my and places a black beanie on my head, I didn't wear them often but it went with the outfit.

"Let me know the details when you get home okay?" I nodded.

It was 6:55pm and me and George walked out my house, he walked an oppersite way to me and I made my way to the house jake was going to pick me up infront of. I scrolled through my phone waiting for him until I heard a car pull up, I looked up to see jake. I walked over to him,

"You look amazing" he smiled, his compliment made me blush and couldnt help but fall him more.

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