Chapter 8 / staying with nick?

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Trigger warnings?: yelling, mentions of abuse,

- at school -

Nick pov:

I met up with dream this morning and drove him to school in my car, I spoke to him about this weird person that come into a restaurant with one of the teachers from school and clay just told me he was probably just nervous, but the funny thing is— I think I recognised the boy although I wasn't too sure. Me and clay stood near my locker when we heard a soft voice call clay

"Clay!" It was George, he jogged over and wrapped his arms around clay from behind,

"Ah- hello love" clay said, that startled me since clay had never mentioned about even liking George, I guess he didn't want me talking to George about it and Karl hearing us-

"Your together?" I questioned, they both jumped and turned to me before looking back at each other.

"We was going to tell you Nick- we just-"

"Wanted to keep it on the down low so Karl wouldn't find out- talking of him, here he comes" I nodded over to Karl walking with techno, he seemed to be hiding? Why was he hiding?

"Hey Karl! Over here!" George called out, Karl hesitated before walking over with techno behind him.

"Hey techno!" George smiled brightly before turning his attention to Karl again "how was your date?" The brunette asked.

Karl shrugged trying his best not to show his hesitation "it was good, we get on well- he's taking me out soon again" Karl smiled while he cheeks turned to a light red,

"He's probably like you- rude and arrogant" I butted not with a scoff,

Karl laughed and looked at me "jealous kitten?" He grinned "don't worry you can date me after" the brunette teased.

That comment made my face turn completely red, I pulled my hood over my head to try and hide it but I saw clay and techno grinning. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence we heard shouting coming from the front doors and teachers running over.

"Where the fuck is my son?! He got an f on his chemistry exam! Where is he?! He's coming home!" That voice sounded familiar it sounded like the guy who was in the car park with Karl-

Jake pov:

I was in the middle of finishing marking some essays when I started hearing shouting coming from the halls, I walked out my classroom and looked over at a man, he seemed around 6'5 and he had a very dark shade of brunette hair and his green eyes stood out the most.

"Where is me son?!" He repeated, I calmly walked over although I saw karl in the corner of my eyes who seemed scared I kept my cool.

"Sir your in a school not a mall. Get out" I said with a stern voice, the hall fell silent as the man glared at me,

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do!?" He growled and looked past my shoulders, seeing Karl he shouted "Karl! Get over here we are going home to teach you a lesson!" I heard small whimpers come from Karl as he approached behind me

"I can't let you do that sir- Karl has missed too many days off of school-" the man growled again and the security dragged him out of the building. I turned to see a terrified Karl behind me "come on Karl, I need to speak with you" I looked over at his friends who watched the whole thing go down, they looked shocked except the pink haired boy.

We entered my classroom and I closed the door, Karl sat down at a desk and I sat next to him. "Karl? Love? Who is that?" I asked carefully, we stayed silent for a bit longer and I began hearing quiet sniffles and when I looked at Karl I saw tears flowing down his face, I pulled him into a hug and he didn't pull away- he just accepted it.

"I'm not going to leave- I want to help you-" I promised, Karl looked up at me and nodded before sitting up straight,

"Remember when I told you about my mother?" He asked, I nodded "my mother died from a car crash- I was in it too- a-and when I father found out.. he blamed me" Karl kept crying quietly, taking pauses between but kept going with the story, "he named me constantly and he'd always hit me and tell me things.. like how I'm useless, I'll never get a job and .." he paused and looked away "he said if I told anyone he'd kill me.." he mumbled.

Karl pov:

I looked back at jake with worried and scared eyes as he looked worried and concerned, he didn't say anything so we sat there in silence before the teacher then spoke up "I won't let him hurt you Karl" he said reassuringly, I nodded but I didn't quite trust him with looking out for me..

We finished talking and I left his classroom, techno was the first to come and see if I'm okay "Karl! Are you hurt?! What happened?!" He said with worried eyes, I looked up into his yellow eyes and smiled sadly,

"Don't worry techno, ja- mr cloud is going to get it sorted" I said and hugged him tightly "thank you for asking if I'm okay.. that's the first I've heard in years.." I whispered but loud enough so he could hear. The halls were almost empty and we turned to see Jake,

"Karl? Have you got anywhere safe to stay?" He asked, I shook my head and he sighed "well your going to need to as someone" he smiled a bit before we left for gym class.

Once we entered I told the teacher I was with mr cloud and he seemed okay with it, techno joined in but I was told I could sit out for a bit, I slowly walked over to the bleaches and sat down at the top. I began getting lost in thought like thinking what would happen and what if my father found out I told someone.. my breathing began getting heavy when I felt a hand touch my shoulder "breath" I jumped up almost immediately and looked down to see Nick

"Don't fucking do that!" I hissed aggressively. Nick laughed and I couldn't help but curl my lips into a smile, I sat back down and asked him why he was here.

"Well I saw what happened earlier and wanted to see if you were okay even if you are a dick" he joked, I shrugged and sighed before telling him I told mr cloud about what he's like with me and Nick seemed to be really sympathetic,

"It's okay though, I'll sleep in a park" I smiled "I always do when something happens" I added.

Nick shook his head in disbelief "you can stay at my house, my parents would love to have you just- don't act like a dic-"

"I would never disrespect anyones parents." I said firmly with glaring at Nick, the male nodded slowly before telling me where to meet him after school as he walked back down to the class.

"God what was I thinking?! I'm staying with nick! God I need to tell him I can't- but why didn't jake offer me a place to stay when we spoke?.. does he not care?" I was lost in thought beginning to think deeper into the situation but my thoughts just seemed to always turn to Nick— I need to stop!. I sighed and pulled out my phone scrolling through Twitter.

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