Chapter 12 / "i love you karl"

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Trigger warnings: panic attacks, blood

Karl pov:

We arrived at nicks house and as we walked through the door I told Nick I was going to take a shower to which he said was alright, though I had other plans. In the car on the way home it was silent, my mind was so occupied with other things like me worrying what Nick thinks about me and what happens if my dad is cleared, would he try to find me?

I locked the bathroom door behind me and leaned against it, eventually sliding down to the floor with my hands on my head.

'Oh come on Karl, just one cut, it won't be that bad! I promise!' My mind said to me, i scavenged around for a blade or something before hearing something fall,

"Karl? Are you okay?" I heard a voice on the other side of the door. I tried to speak but I didn't know what to say, at this point I had tears rolling down my cheeks and my mind was just filled with thoughts. Before I knew it I had a blade in my hand and my breathing heavied.

"Y-yes!" I choked out, I dragged the metal object across my skin but a voice but the door swung open and all I saw was worried was on nicks face. My tried to hide my arms as much as possible but Nick stumbled beside me and held my arm gently trying his best not to harm me in any way.

"K-Karl.. w-what happened?" I heard, I looked up at Nick who had tears in his eyes, I tried to speak but I just broke down repeating the word 'sorry' over and over again.

"Hey- shh.." he hushed me, pulling my head to lay on his chest "I'm not mad.. I'm just.. worried about you Karl.." he said, his words reassured me a bit but my breathing was still heavy.

"Can you breath? Like this" he breathed in slowly and I copied him, within a few seconds my breathing was back to normal. We stayed quiet until Nick carefully got up and placed the blade in the bin "here.. let's clean those up shall we?" He smiled softly but I could tell it was a sad smile, I nodded and looked down while holding my arms out. The ravenette dabbed some water on them to clear the blood off of the cuts and then he wrapped some bandaids around them carefully which of course I winced at since it hurt like a bitch.

"I'm sorry.." I managed to mumbled without stuttering.

"Don't be sorry Karl, let's just go get you some rest, hm?" Nick said as he picked me up gently, I felt myself blush as he carried me up to his room, he knew I liked it better in here some his bed was more comfier than mine. We sat cuddled with each other until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I love you Karl.." he whispered as my mind wondered off into the world of dreams and nightmares.

Authors note:

Please if you see anyone struggle or you know they are struggling, please comfort them, I don't have friends to comfort me anymore so if you have friends that are panicking or you are please let someone know and help them. It means a lot to other people than you think.

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