Chapter 14 / im his new victim?!

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Trigger warnings?: mentions of blood, violence

Karl pov:

Monday, 9am

I was standing near my locker with techno, we hadn't talked all weekend since I was with Nick so we had a bit of catching up today.

"Yeah me and shlatt had an arguement so I'm cool to sit with you, Nick and his friends" techno chuckled as he closed his locker,

"Good, I thought you would've been a dick about it" I laughed while we headed to out first lesson of the day. Math. I hated math, I wasn't very bad at math but I wasn't very good.

"I'm not shlatt Karl" techno said as we walked into our lesson.

Lunch time:

Me and techno walked down the hall towards the lunch hall with Nick, he went on about how good people his friends are.

"Don't worry, they will warm up to you" Nick said, Me and techno looked at each other awkwardly, we had bullied most people in this school over the past few years and if it wasn't us it was shlatt. We walked over to a table, clay sat there and beside him was George, a blonde boy with a red shirt, a brunette boy with a black and yellow shirt on, a tall boy with white a black hair and a boy with glasses.

"Guys this is Karl and techno" Nick announced as he sat down, me and techno sat beside him awkwardly as everyone but George gave us death glares.

"Why are they here Nick?" The boy in the white and red shirt sneered, the boy with the striped shirt on agreed.

"They are my friends Tommy, now be nice. They aren't as bad as they seem just.. misunderstood" Nick said and turned to face me smiling.

"Karl, techno, this is Tommy, tubbo, ranboo and wilbur" Nick said introducing and pointing to each and every one of them.

"Uh.." techno looked at each and every one of them.

"Oh look" wilbur snarled "look who's coming" he growled pointing towards a brunette walking over, shlatt.

"Hey Karl" shlatt grinned, he slid an arm around my neck which some how made me uncomfortable.

"Hi.. shlatt" I mumbled in response,

"Why so quiet?" He glanced at techno before looking back at me "in fact, why are you sitting with these losers?" He asked angrily. Me and techno sat quietly as all eyes were on us even the other tables.

"Because they are our friends.." I whispered, shlatt stood me up forcefull and laughed

"What was that dear Karl?" He asked again,

"I said they are our friends!" I shouted, by this time everyone attention in the lunch hall turned to us, shlatt looked surprised and so did everyone at the table with us.

"How dare you raise your voice at me!" Shlatt spat, he grabbed my arm and pushed me to the floor

"For anyone who doesn't know!" The male spoke out to everyone in the room "I run this school and my new victim is.." shlatt grinned and faced me ".. is Karl jacobs!" My eyes widened as he stood up straight and then I felt something hit my face, it was his fist, shlatt was now on top of me, punching me as techno and clay tried to pull him off. But shlatt had other friends who joined his gang, they pulled clay and techno away and George was screaming at shlatt for him to stop.

When shlatt eventually stopped punching me I had blood dripping from my cheeks, my forehead and my nose, I had a bruises eyes and my body was covered in bruises from where he kicked and punched me. The male walked off as I choked on my own blood.

'Fuck.. he sure does know how to throw hits and kicks' I thought, I felt techno help me up and the group looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked worriedly, I nodded and Tommy handed Nick some tissue and he then started to wipe the blood, luckily as soon as it was over the crowd went back to doin what they did before hand.

"Your his victim now Karl" wilbur muttered but he looked away.

"Yeah, though- thanks for sticking up for us!" Tommy smiled warmly.

I nodded "yeah, now he'll do anything to make my life miserable" I rolled my eyes internally and Nick smiled, holding my hand under the table reassuringly

"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you" Nick smiled, I blushed as I nodded then watched as George walked around the table and hugged me tightly,

"I was so worried he was going to beat you to death" he cried, tears rolled down his eyes.

"Im fine George, you've known me for quite awhile now as does techno, you both know I can handle a little beating" I laughed, yeah I was used to it from getting into fights in school over the years and to my dad beating me.

'I just have to avoid shlatt at all costs, now that I betrayed him.. what if next time he beats me he kills me?' I thought to myself. I shook the thoughts away and went back to talking and laughing with the group.

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