Chapter 10 / "i wont hurt you.."

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Trigger warnings?: Manitoba of an Ed,

Nick pov:

I walked upstairs after Karl worried and even if he had Been a dick to me I still wanted to make sure he was okay, I peaked into his room to see him laying on his bed on his phone. He looked like he was in the middle of crying, his cheeks were red and his eyes were puffy.

"Karl?" I whispered as I knocked on his door gently, he quickly sat up and wiped his eyes and I slowly walked in, sitting down beside him.

"What do you want Nick?" He asked angrily

"Are you okay?" I responded with a hint of worry in my voice,

Karl stayed quiet and looked away "y-yes.." he whispered almost impossible for me to hear.

"No your not, come on.. tell me what's up" I smiled and sat back against his headboard, the brunette leaned against me with his head on my chest and he sighed.

"It's stupid.." he mumbled

I frowned and then chuckled "come on Karl, it can't be that stupid, I'm here for you" his head jolted up at my last words and his eyes looked lost and emotionless now.

"I can't eat.. until everyone else has eaten.. it's the rules" he said with no facial expressions, my heart dropped hearing the word 'rules'

'Did his father give him rules? What are the other rules?' I thought. I looked away thinking and Karl shuffled away from me "my father told me I couldn't eat until everyone else ate first.. I then just chose not to eat.. which caused me to develop an eating disorder.. when techno or George gave me food, they made me eat infront of them and-" his voice cut off and he looked up to see if I was listening to which I nodded for him to carry on. "When i wasn't around them I used to puke it all back up.. but that's half the reason I developed an eating disorder.. ik the other reason is, is that I thought I was fat.. I got punished when I also ate and my father told me he was ashamed to have a fat son like me." Karl finished and looked away, I was about to talk when Karl's phone went off, he picked it up and texted a few things before smiling.

Something is die my stomach twisted, I felt jealous? But why? I looked away with jealousy and Karl turned to me "have you got anything nice I can borrow? I'm going on another date" he said, I could tell he was smiling.

"No I don't, and don't you have your own clothes?" I snapped, Karl frowned and moved away I could tell I scared him with my attitude and I sighed "fine, I do. Go have a look in my closet" I mumbled quietly. He nodded and instantly jumped to his feet and then walked over to the large brown doors. I had to admit I know I liked Karl, and seeing him happy with someone else made my blood boil, I wanted to find out who it was but apart of me told myself to just let Karl do his thing. To which I did.

About 4 hours passed and it was coming up to 11:20pm, I heard my mother open the door to someone and then that someone walked upstairs, it was clay or as I like to call him- dream.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as the taller male sat on my desk, Karl was downstairs but I'm not sure if dream had even seen him.

"Why's Karl here?!" He asked angrily, I shrugged "he treats you like shit and now your friends?!" Dream yelled,

"Sh! Keep it down! And no we aren't- well- I don't know if we are friends but he needed somewhere to stay" I replied calmly, trying to keep my cool.

Dream sighed and looked at me "if he hurts you-"

"You'll kill him- I know dream" I chuckled, dream laughed a little before his attention turned to Karl standing at the door

"Your mom is nice— she asked about-" Karl looked at dream and dream frowned at seeing him all dressed up.

"Why're you dreased up?" Dream snickered, Karl rolled his eyes at him

"None of ya business" Karl grinned and sat on the bed next to me "why's he here Nick? I don't like him" Karl snarled towards dream. I saw that dream clenched his fists and went to say something but I beat him to it.

"He's my friend Karl, he came to stay over" I looked between the two who seemed to be just glaring at each other

"Why can't he go stay with techno or shlatt? His bitches?" Dream stared at me

I sighed and then decided to change the subject "so how was your date Karl?" I asked, his face turned red,

"Well- you know- he took my to the movies and we went back to his house for dinner"

"He?" Dream questioned

"Yes 'he' clay, how's you and George? Treating him right?" Karl asked coldly as he leaned his head on my shoulder, my face turned red and I turned my head away to look away but it was too late— clay had seen my face and let me tell you he didn't have a pleased expression

"U-Um- dream- you can take my room, I'll go sleep on the couch-"

"You can sleep with me" Karl said looking up at me, I shook my head but deep down I knew I wanted to. But again I had no say and before I knew it I was in Karl's room.

"Karl- I can't be here.." I mumbled, he tilted his head as his attention turned back to me and I let out a sigh "I just can't- be here. With you." I said coldly, I honestly didn't mean if that hurt Karl or not but I couldn't be around him, it hurt and especially with knowing he was seeing someone.

"D-did I do something?" Karl stuttered and backed away, I shook my head and before I could say anything Karl was on his knees begging for me not to hit him, it broke my heart seeing him like this

"I won't hurt you Karl.. just- come here.." I reassured him and sat on the bed holding my arms out. The fragile male crawled into my arms and we laid down together, our faces facing each other.

"I won't ever hurt you Karl.. your a nice person deep down even if your a dick.." I smiled softly, Karl glanced up at me with his big brown eyes and his lips curled into a smile, I watched Karl as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into the world of dreams and after a few minutes I did the same.

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