Chapter 1 - Preparations

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( - TanqR POV - )

I watched from afar as countless other monsters helped set up the Arsenal lobby. I worked with one person, and one person only. Although, I did enjoy training with other people within the Arsenal community time to time.

Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm TanqR, one of the most well-known monsters worldwide. I'm recognized for my skill, my aim, and my skills at survival. The only other monster that I know who comes close to my skill-or even matches it-is Minibloxia, another monster who occasionally comes to Arsenal. I don't know him very well, but what I do know is that he's dangerous-a threat to my rank, and just a threat in general.

I glanced up at the sky, which was darkening. I sighed. It was a little bit past dusk, which meant it was time for monsters to attack.

"Hey, are you okay?" I practically jumped as a familiar voice spoke up.

"Oh, uh, yeah, why're you asking?" I questioned, turning.

"You should come help everyone set up the lobby." Hoopie, the only other monster I worked with, suggested.

"Nah, I'm good." I declined.

"Come on. Pleeeaseee?" Hoopie pleaded.

"I said-" I started. Hoopie grabbed my hand and practically dragged me over. "Ay!" I exclaimed.

"It'll be fine, you'll see." Hoopie told me. Suddenly, she froze. Because she wasn't wearing her mask at the moment, her eyes were wide with shock, and her smile was wiped off her face.

"What is-?" I started, but I also froze as I saw what she was so shocked about. Screams tore through the sky as countless monsters were slaughtered. The RWMO (Rid the World Of Monsters Organization) was back.

"W-we've gotta get out of here!" Hoopie hissed, camouflaging herself instantly. I took a step back, then shook my head.

"I'll be fine. Just go." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" Hoopie asked. I nodded.

"I'll come find you when it's safe." I told Hoopie.

"Got it." she replied. I heard footsteps pounding away, so I assumed she was gone.

I took shelter within some bushes to watch the gruesome scene. Rage filled me with each death, and I had to take a deep breath to control my anger. I couldn't bare to watch this. I began to turn away, preparing myself to run. Until, from the corner of my eye, I saw one of my old friends, who was being cornered. I whipped back around and sprung out from my hiding spot, speeding towards them. I tackled the RWMO member who had been trying to kill my one of my friends-whose name was Rainway-and quickly slit their throat, killing them instantly.

"Thanks." Rainway said.

"Go." I warned.

"I will, don't worry." Rainway reassured me, sprinting off into the forest. We were all lucky that one of the Arsenal lobbies were in the middle of a dark, jungle-like forest. Arsenal has separate lobbies for different training sessions, but one recently had to switch locations because of the RWMO. Now we would have to switch the location again!

Before I could get noticed by the other RWMO members, I took off running into the forest, lighting a spot near me ablaze as a distraction. I sprinted through the vines and overgrowth, tearing it out of my way and flinging it to the side. After a few minutes, I slowed down, trying to catch my breath. Ugh, now I was hungry. I didn't even get to eat that RWMO member earlier.

I paused upon realizing a was on the edge of a ravine. I sat down on a boulder, glancing up at the sky, which was now littered with gleaming, sparkling stars. The half-moon shone brightly above me.

"Oh, come on, why does the moon have to be bright tonight?" I muttered to myself.

"I don't know, you tell me." a voice replied. Before I could react, a sword was at my throat.

"Ah, so I got followed?" I asked.

"Yes, you did. You're pretty reckless, aren't you, Rank 3?" I realized the person was apart of RWMO as soon as they said this.

"I assume you're here to kill me and get a reward." I guessed with a laugh. "Although, I don't think you were educated properly on why I'm such a high rank."

"I must admit, I don't understand why you're rank 3, especially with such a weak power." the RWMO member admitted.

"Allow me to show you." I grinned under my mask, flinging the knife into the ravine with one swift, unpredictable movement. Then, I stood up, spun around, and shoved the RWMO member away from me before they could react. They gasped in surprise. I somewhat recognized them by their uniform that they were wearing. " 15, eh?"

"You're going to pay for all those lives you took." The top 15 RWMO member's eyes glittered with rage. With a flick of my wrist, I lit blue flames around us. As the RWMO member pulled out a sword and tried to lunge at me, I ripped it out of their hands, which startled them. I burnt the metal to a crisp in my hands and shook the ashes off my hands as if they were simply specks of dirt or dust.

"Oops. Well, I guess your sword isn't very strong." I taunted.

"You-what-you-how?" the RWMO member demanded, stuttering and seeming shocked. "That sword-it was given to me by the leader of the RWMO, and it's almost unbreakable. How did you burn it with such little effort?"

"Did you expect the top 5 to be weak or something?" I asked with a laugh.

"Well, no, but-" the RWMO member hesitated.

"Say, what's your name, top 15?" I questioned.

"It's Kreek. Why?" the RWMO member replied.

"Well, Kreek, see you in BedWars."

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