Chapter 12 - Traitor

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(Don't steal my crappy art plsplspls)

( - Kreek POV - )
"...Russo?!" I exclaimed, surprised to see the blue-haired RWMO member here. Wait, but...oh no. Wouldn't he try to kill me, too, seeing as I was a monster now?

"Oh, hey, Kreek! I'm glad you finally chose the right side!" Russo replied, walking over to me.

"Chose the right side?" I echoed. "You're...a monster...? Who' the RWMO?" Realization struck me. No. He's been...working against us this whole time? And here I was, thinking that we'd been friends. I was friends...with a traitor.

"You didn't realize?" Russo asked, confusion spilling into his voice.

"TRAITOR!" I accused, glaring at him with the mighty fury of a raging thunderstorm—no, a dark raincloud, about to break and release its wrath on the earth below. Russo took a step back, hurt flashing across his face, along with more confusion. He blinked, and his ocean-blue eyes scanned my face.

"Aren't you a monster, too? What does it matter to you if I'm one as well?" Russo questioned.

"You—you lying snake!" I yelled. Russo laid a hand on my shoulder. Now that I looked closer, I noticed claws on the ends of his fingertips instead of regular nails, in which all humans had. How hadn't I realized earlier?? He's a spy—a good one, too. How'd he manage to disguise himself, though? And what was his ability? These thoughts flashed through my mind for a moment, endless possibilities extending from each individual thought.

"Are you still on the RWMO's side?" Russo asked.

"Well..." I hesitated. Was I? But...didn't I just help my monster friends kill some RWMO members? Which side am I really on? Would saying I was on the side of the RWMO get me killed? Which side is Russo on? "The...RWMO?" I answered uncertainly.

"Oh, good, you're not under the spell," Russo said. "I just had to test you to make sure you were still on our side. Now come on, I'll take you back to the RWMO headquarters!"

"What? But won't they kill me there? I'm a monster, and it's obvious." I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah, about that..." Russo smiled. "Look at yourself again."

I looked down at my hands. My claws were gone, and my skin was no longer a pale grey colour, now back to its warmer tone. Confusion washed over me. Was I human again? If so, then how? Can Russo turn monsters back into humans?

"It's just a disguise, by the way, and it only lasts for a few hours right now. I'm working on making the disguise last longer, but for now it works for approximately three hours." Russo explained. I nodded in silent acknowledgement of his words. That made a lot more sense. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind, sticking out to me amongst all my other rushing thoughts. My mind was kind of like a river, with each thought rushing by before I could get a firm grasp on them or create a further explanation.

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