Chapter 10 - Surrounded

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Hope everyone is doing well! <3
I finally have more time to write, but I can't promise frequent updates.
Anyways, without further ado, hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

( - Kreek POV - )
"WHAAATTTT?!" TanqR exclaimed. I winced at how loud he yelled. Oh come on, now he's going to have attracted the attention of other RWMO members in the frosty area, who will 100% try to kill him! I facepalmed.

"You idiot!" I hissed. "Great, now you've attracted attention to us!"

"Oops." I could practically see the smirk under TanqR's mask. I sighed and shook my head in disappointment. TanqR just laughed at this in his infuriatingly loud voice.

"It's so fun to annoy Kreek sometimes," TanqR seemed to think. It was slightly hard for me to tell what was in someone's mind and what was spoken aloud. But I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say that aloud.

"I heard that, y'know." I reminded TanqR.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." TanqR replied with an awkward cough—probably to hide his thoughts. But I wasn't paying attention to that right now. I kinda just filtered out his thoughts, if you understand what I mean.

"I'm still here, you two." Hoopie murmured in a bored—or annoyed?—voice. Both TanqR and I practically jumped as Hoopie spoke up. We'd kinda forgotten about her while we were talking (arguing?).

"Gosh, these two idiots are gonna get us killed..." Hoopie thought. I heard this, but decided to ignore it.

(I drew da trio >:D)(I genuinely struggled with this lol)(Why was I drawing this instead of writing the actual storyline?)(

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(I drew da trio >:D)
(I genuinely struggled with this lol)
(Why was I drawing this instead of writing the actual storyline?)
(Also, also, pls don't steal or repost my crappy art without my permission)
(Thank you! ^^)

Before anyone else could speak, a familiar voice spoke up. "Found you. Don't think you can hide from me forever." There stood Lego, sword in one hand, repulser pointed at me with the other. "I hesitated too much last time. This time, I'll make sure that I kill you."

"Why me?" I demanded. "I'm standing next to two people of a higher rank!"

"Stop making excuses, they must've left a while ago." Lego replied. When I glanced at where TanqR and Hoopie should've been standing, they were gone, no trace of footsteps in the snow or anything.

Did they just ditch me?! I thought.

But then, I heard a whisper. "Hoopie, you idiot! You forgot to camouflage Kreek as well!"

"I forgot about him. Besides, how do I know we can still trust him? He's gonna end up getting us killed—look, his 'friends' are already here to kill him." Hoopie pointed out quietly. I winced at the last sentence. But in truth, she was right—everyone in the RWMO knew me. And now I'd have a pretty high bounty on my head.

"Yeah, I know, but..." TanqR trailed off. I felt betrayed. They weren't going to help me? To be fair, I did almost get both of them killed a bit ago, but still. Alright, now that I think about it, I don't really blame them.

"Traitor!" Lego accused. I dodged out of the way as he fired his repulser at me.

A/N: I apologize in advance—I suck at writing fight scenes and it's definitely something I'd like to improve on. So I'm very sorry if the fight scene isn't the best!
Anyways, back to the story.

Lego began advancing towards me. I took a few steps back, accidentally bumping into one of the invisible—well, camouflaged—people behind me. We both fell into the icy, cold snow. I realized it was Hoopie, meaning that I'd disrupted her focus of using her ability to hide herself as well as TanqR. Uh-oh. That can't be good.

"Here—take my hand." TanqR stood over me, offering out a hand. I uncertainly glanced at Hoopie. Who was he offering help to? Me or Hoopie? As I was hesitating, Lego had gotten closer. TanqR seemed to notice this, since he grabbed my hand and pulled me up without waiting. Then, he helped Hoopie up. For a moment I was surprised, then realized he had been closer to me than Hoopie, therefore helped me first. "Ay Hoopie, do you think you'll be able to use your ability again?" TanqR asked.

"No, not right now." Hoopie shook her head. "I'm already too exhausted from using it multiple times before."

"Why can't we just fight the RWMO members?" I spoke up. "Not that I want to or anything, but I'd be nice to test my abilities, y'know?"

"Do you really want to fight them, though?" TanqR countered. "They'd call you names like 'traitor', or 'disgrace', amongst many others."

This caught me off-guard; a brutal reminder that I was forced into becoming a monster of all creatures. I hadn't had a choice. But now everyone would hate me for it.

"...never mind." I said.

"As much as I hate to say it, it's your time to die." a familiar voice spoke up from behind me. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that Lego had somehow gotten behind us, and was now pointing his repulser at the back of my head. "If you'd stayed human, I wouldn't have to do this." Lego told me in a threatening voice.

"And how exactly are you going to kill the three of us?" TanqR asked, grabbing Lego by the throat and pulling him away from me forcefully. "I ain't just gonna sit back and watch you kill my best friend."

I smiled at the words "best friend."

Lego flung TanqR's arm off of his throat and fired his repulser at the high-ranked monster. Time seemed to slow down as this happened, with Lego stumbling back, Hoopie trying to grab TanqR's arm and yank him out of the way, and...well...just with me, standing there...watching.

The blast from the repulser hit TanqR's shoulder, fortunately, as Hoopie pulled him sideways—almost completely out of reach of the blast from Lego's repulser. I breathed a sigh of relief. Out of everyone, I knew very well how incredibly powerful Lego and his Iron Man-like suit could be.

"NOW!" Lego shouted suddenly. An RWMO member emerged from the fog and mist of the snowstorm, which whipped around us and created a maze within the area for anyone who wanted to leave. Then another one stepped beside the first. And another. And another. More and more RWMO members began to flood into the area from all sides, completely surrounding myself, TanqR, and Hoopie.

It was all a trap.

Suddenly, they all attacked.
We were going to need a lot of backup—and fast.

(I kinda lost some ideas for this one)
(But I REFUSE to discontinue this book or put it on-hold)
(I WILL finish it)

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