Chapter 7 - Backstabbed! Bet You Didn't See Me There! :)

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Tw: Blood/mentions of blood/gore (descriptive gore? Idk—), a bit of censored cursing, injuries, lots of fighting, slight mention of $u!c!d3 (only mentioned once, but I figured I'd put a TW for it anyways)

( - TanqR POV - )

"Boo!" Hoopie yelled, appearing in front of me.

"AHHHHHH!" I exclaimed, practically jumping in surprise. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"You're too easy to scare." Hoopie joked, giggling.

"I'm going to scare you one day, you'll see." I said, grinning under my mask.

"You can try!" Hoopie shot back.

" that all you came to do?" I questioned.

"No, unfortunately," Hoopie replied, sighing. "The RWMO attacked again."

"Where?" I asked. "BedWars?"

Hoopie looked away darkly. "Arsenal."

"ARSENAL?" I exclaimed, shocked. "How did they find the location again?"

"I'm not sure," Hoopie admitted. "But we need your help. I'm the fastest, which is why they sent me for backup. I've already stopped at BedWars and asked for help."

"Let's go." I said. Hoopie nodded in agreement. We started running in the direction of Arsenal as fast as we could. When we got there, the place was a disaster. Screams of rage and fear split the quiet air of the cloudy night. RWMO members had swarmed the building. Anger rose up inside me.

Hoopie had already joined the fight, so I followed. With a flick of my wrist, blue flames appeared around me. I lit a couple of the RWMO members' swords on fire, which surprised them. Before I knew it, a bunch of RWMO members joined together to attack me.

"Look! It's the Rank 3! Get him!" a commanding voice ordered.

They're attacking me just because of my rank, I realized. Dammit.

I spun around and kicked a RWMO member away from me. However, at the same time, another RWMO member attacked, slashing my shoulder with their sword.

"F#ck!" I cursed as pain exploded in my shoulder from the injury. I lit some flames around me once more, but it was getting harder to do as more RWMO members began to join in on attacking me.

The handle of a blade slammed into my back, causing me to lose my balance. I caught myself and punched an RWMO member who'd tried to take advantage of the temporary distraction. I spun around and shoved another RWMO member down into the ground before spinning back around to block a different RWMO member's attack.

Sh#t, how many are there? I thought. For every RWMO member I knocked down, another two members replaced them.
I was caught off-guard as a sword sliced through my mask, carving a scratch into my face. Blood started to drip into my eyes. I silently cursed. In a matter of minutes, I was bleeding—a lot. I was relying solely on my fighting skills now. Whether I don't have enough time in-between defending myself from attacks or I'm too weak to create flames right now, I'm not sure.

An RWMO member shoved me unexpectedly. Unable to regain my balance in time, I fell to the ground. I expected to be killed for a moment, until I heard something that might be even worse than that.

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