Chapter 8 - Turned

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TW: Censored cursing

( - Kreek POV - )

I woke up hanging over the edge of a pond. All my injuries were healed, surprisingly. Except, despite having no injuries, blood dripped from my mouth into the pond. Something felt...different, to say the least. I sat up, then gasped as a splitting headache overcame me.

"Ow..." I muttered, groaning in pain and pressing my eyes shut. Soon enough, the headache faded. I opened my eyes. From the corner of my eye, I saw something in the pond's water. I turned. I saw my reflection, then froze.

Wh-what? I stared at the reflection in shock. My skin was pale, and my hands had been turned to claws. Anxiety washed over me. I stood up and stumbled back, horrified.

"H-how did this happen?" I whispered.

I—I have to find Minibloxia to get him to explain everything! I thought. I spun around, ready to start looking. However, the person—or, well, monster—that I was looking for was already in front of me.

"I assume you're confused?" Minibloxia guessed. "I really hope this was a good idea. What if he becomes stronger than me?" Minibloxia worried quietly.

"I hope I become stronger than you so I can kill you for turning me into a monster." I glared at him.

"Wait, how did you—how did you know I was thinking about that?" Mini exclaimed. "What the hell? No, I saw his ability as soon as he turned. Unless the myths are true...?"

"What myths?" I asked.


"Private information?" I echoed.

"I knew you could read my mind. But how?" Mini asked. "I saw your first ability, how do you have two?"

"That's...not normal?" I replied, confused.

"NO, IT'S NOT NORMAL! Heck, I've never seen a monster who has multiple abilities before, and I've met a lot of monsters. So why is this different? I was born a monster, but I know a lot of monsters who were forced into becoming a monster. However, they don't have multiple abilities." Mini thought. ", it's not." Mini said aloud.

"I heard all that." I pointed out.

"F#ck!" Mini thought. "Alright, listen—if you want more information, seek out someone in the top 5. I can't help you right now. I've got something I must do. The best places to search would either be the BedWars war zone, or Arsenal. However, Arsenal is difficult to locate, so I recommend BedWars." Mini told me.

"Okay—?" I said uncertainly. Then, Mini was gone.

Damn, he's fast. I thought. I began to make my way to the BedWars war zone.

(Time skip because I'm not writing out the whole freaking journey. No one likes travelling books, they're so boring—at least, in my experience)

I walked into the hailstorm of a war zone. Surprisingly, I could see pretty well through the storm. I guess my senses got sharpened when I turned into a monster. The ground shook behind me, and I spun around to see an RWMO member rushing at me with a sword.

"DIE, YOU CRUEL MONSTER!" the RWMO member screamed, lunging at me. On instinct, I killed the RWMO member with a single slash of my claws. My vision started to go dark. When I regained consciousness again, a pool of blood lay below me, and my hands were covered in blood. Only bits and pieces of the RWMO member's body remained.

Wh-what did I do? I thought, shocked. However, for some reason, I craved more. I found myself standing up and moving towards the vibrations of more human footsteps. I devoured another person, unable to stop myself and my monster instincts. Craving more blood, I started walking towards another human, who I saw nearby. I recognized them as PghLFilms, aka Lego. Before I could attack Lego, I felt a hand grab my arm with an iron grip.

"What the f#ck are you doing, Kreek?" a familiar voice demanded. I blinked, realizing what I was doing. Except, horror didn't come. This felt...normal, surprisingly. I didn't reply, only turning to stare at TanqR. He let go of my arm and took a step back as soon as I looked him in the eyes—well, as much as that could work, considering he was wearing his mask. "You—who did this to you?" he demanded. "Dammit! I can't believe I left him alone! This is my fault!" he thought.

"What do I do?" I choked out.

"Tell me who turned you into a monster, and I'll hunt the f#cking bastard down. I assume this was against your will, yes?" TanqR guessed. I nodded. "Who did it?" he demanded again.

"M-Mini..." I whispered.

"THAT B#TCH! I KNEW HE WAS UNTRUSTWORTHY!" TanqR yelled angrily, turning away as I'd he were about to go hunt Mini down, as he'd said he would.

"'t seem that bad now." I said slowly.


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