The script

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I've known Nene pretty much my whole life. She helped me through some really hard times. Since she lived right next door we always played together as kids. We would pretend that we were actors in a big show. Nene always felt like a little sister to me. But lately I've been seeing her in another light. "I like you, Nene. Oh Rui, I've felt the same way about you since we were little." I smile. I love daydreaming about her. That's something I've been doing alot lately.

- Rui, are you listening? says a sudden voice. It's Tsukasa's voice.

- Uh yes, I say.

I look at Nene and as I'm zoning out Tsukasa's voice enters my head again.

- So if you look at this new play I wrote you will see a few musical parts, he says while handing out scripts.

- What's my role? I ask

- I literally just said that, what's up with you? he asks.

- Oh nothing, I just kinda zoned out, I say.

- Alright, well you're the nice policeman from Tokyo, the lead, Tsukasa says.

- You'd make a great policeman, Rui! Emu says.

- Yeah, I don't doubt it! Nene says with a heartwarming smile.

- Thanks guys, I say. What's your role, Nene?

- Oh I'm the doctor, there's kind of a romance between her and the policeman.

Romance? The word echoes through my mind. Romance with Nene? Well It's just acting but still! I felt my face getting hot.

- Cool, I say trying to actually seem cool.

- I want you all to read the script tonight and we'll meet here tomorrow, Tsukasa says.

So we go home and I read the script alone in my room. I'm reading in peace until my mom barges into my room without knocking.. again.

- How do I look? she asks.

- She's wearing a blue dress and full face of makeup.

- You look great, I say. What's the occasion?

- I've got a date tonight, she says, sounding excited.

- Well I'm sure whoever it is they'll like you, I say.

- Thanks, honey, she says. What you got there?

She points at the script in my hand.

- Oh It's a script for our next show, I respond.

- Wonderlands x showtime is at it again! she laughs.

- Yeah I'm the lead, I say. And Nene is the romantic interest.

- Is that the character's name or is it your childhood friend? she asks.

- My childhood friend.. obviously! I say.

- Okay! she said. I just can't really imagine Nene as a romantic interest for you even if it's just acting. I mean You've always seen her as a little sister.

- Maybe that has changed, I say.

- Rui, honey do you like Nene, She says?

There's a moment of silence. I could feel my face getting hot and I think of the most obvious yes answer that isn't a yes.

- Maybe

- Oh my god, you do like her! she gasps. You have to tell her! Do it in like a romantic way. You should write a song for her.

- Don't you have a date to go on? I say, a bit annoyed.

- Right, I'll see you soon, bye!!

Now my mom knows that I like my childhood best friend. Cool! I hope she doesn't make it too obvious when Nene comes over though.

Note: I'm sorry for any misspellings on this and I will make a part to asap :)

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