Who do you love?

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*Nene's POV*

I walk into Rui's room. It looks the same as always. Rui smiles at me as usual. I suddenly notice something that hasn't been there before. A robot, just like robo-nene except it looks like Rui! I gasp out loud, it's perfect!

- Introducing robo-rui, he says, proud of himself.

- It's amazing, Rui! I tell him. It's truly a work of art!

- Now robo-nene will have a friend, he says.

I throw my arms around him. He's so great, I love him so much.

- You haven't even seen me control it yet, he laughs.

- Show me!

He is surprisingly really good at controlling it. I always thought that I was better than him at that. Then again he did make it himself. Robo-rui can do the same things as robo-nene, talk, sing, move around. He's a real life genius.

-Pretty cool, right Nene? Rui says.

- Mhm!

I look at my phone. It's getting late, I should be getting home for dinner.

- I've gotta go, I say.

- No worries, I'll see you at the wonderstage tomorrow? he says.

- Yeah, see you.

Later that night I'm laying in my bed trying to sleep but I just can't, I can't stop thinking about Rui. I could hear him compliment me and laughing in my head. I must be truly lovesick. By the time I fall asleep I could see him in my dreams and I wake up smiling. I get myself ready to go to the wonderstage and to meet the others. I arrive really early. I'm the first person there. Not for long though.

- Nene! Nene! Nene! Emu yells, pulling me into a tight hug.

- Oh, hi, Emu, I say.

- I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, I missed you, she says, hugging me tighter.

- I missed you too, I say.

- Hello there, girls, Rui suddenly says.

- Rui!! Emu squeals, pulling him into our hug.

- I'm last again? Tsukasa says from behind us.

- Tsukasa!!!

Emu lets go of  both of us and Hugs Tsukasa.

- Emu, let go!! he yells at her.

- No way! she yells back. I missed youuuuuu.

- And I missed you, Nene, Rui says, smiling at me.

There's butterflies in my stomach, I feel like I'm melting because my face is so hot. But I couldn't let him know that.

- We literally met twice yesterday, I say.

- Am I not allowed to miss you? he says.

I say nothing, we just smile at each other. We get practicing for the next show. I was getting more and more nervous as we got closer to the kissing scene. Were we actually gonna kiss? Or were we gonna wait until the day of the show?

- I promise to always look out for you the same way you did when I was in the hospital.

- Cut! Tsukasa says. That was a great first try! Good job you guys!

- Yay, yay, yay! Emu says. That went so well.

- I suppose me and Nene will do the kissing scene on the big day, Rui says.

- Yes, Tsukasa says.

- Great, I say.

Emu and Tsukasa had to leave earlier so me and Rui were left with the last bits of the mess. After I'd put away the last thing I found Rui sitting on the wonderstage looking at the sunset. I sit down next to him. The sunset really is beautiful.

- Have you ever loved someone, Nene? Rui suddenly asks me.

- Yes...

- Do you love someone right now?

- Yes...

He looks at me.

- Who do you love?

I look at him, smiling. It feels like time stops for a moment.

- I love you, I say.

Without thinking I kiss him.

Maybe I do love you (Ruinene fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang