in love

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*Nene's POV again*

I hadn't seen Rui nor Tsukasa at school today but I still turned up at the mall. I had texted Rui earlier today asking if we were still collecting props but he hadn't seen it. I'm starting to get kinda anxious. Suddenly I spot his purple hair by the costume shop. I start making my way there. I recognize him more and more as I get closer. He looks up and smiles at me.

- Hi!

- Hello, Nene.

- Why didn't you text me back? I ask.

- I did!

- Well I didn't get anything.

- I'll show you, he says while pulling his phone out from his pocket. See?

I look at his screen and giggle.

- You didn't send it you idiot, I say.

- Uhh yeah I did! He says, pressing the send button.

- Ha Ha, I say with a straight face.

- Let's just go pick up the props, He says while smiling at me.

We go over to the other side of the mall for the props.

- Hi I'm here to pick up a couple of packages, Rui says to the lady behind the counter.

- Name?

- Should be under the name Tsukasa Tenma.

- Alright.. looks like about seven packages!

- Seven..? That's a lot.

- Yes, two large ones and five smaller ones.

- Alright well bring them out.

She brings them out and Rui inspects them.

- For their large size they are rather light, he says.

- You could just take a few of them and come back later, the lady says.

- What do you say, Nene?

- If they're that light we could just grab all of them, I say

- Alright we'll take all of them then!

We make our way outside and put all the packages in the trunk of his mom's car.

- Does your mom know you took her car? I ask.

- Yeah, He says. Or, well she will..

- Smooth, I say, hitting his arm lightly.

We get in the car and drive to phoenix wonderland to unpack the props and leave them at the wonderstage. When we arrive we open the first box, costumes!

- Cool! Rui says while trying on his police cap.

- Looking good, officer.

- Thank you doc, he says.

He's blushing more than usual. We keep opening the boxes and to our surprise a lot of the stuff is actually useful. Tsukasa did an okay job with the props! After unboxing everything and putting it in the storage room we sit and chat until the sun starts going down.

- Do you need a ride home? Rui asks.

- Yeah if it's not too much trouble, I say.

- Of course not! You literally live next door.

He drives me home and stops the car at my front porch.

- Alright ma'am you've arrived at your destination, he says.

- Thank you, sir, I say.

- I had fun today, he smiles.

- Same, I love you Rui, you're a great friend.

- I love you too, Nene.

He hugs me tightly and I step out of the car, realizing I'm in love with my best friend.

Maybe I do love you (Ruinene fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now