Chapter Four.

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Grey Alexander

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Grey Alexander.

The next morning, I wake up with my glasses on my face and my face smushed to my pillow. I groan and notice that practicing all of my clothes are still on from yesterday.

I can't remember why I didn't take them off but I have a feeling it had to do with my migraine considering my glasses are still on my face. Turning my head, I turn so I'm looking out the window and wince when I notice how bright the sun is.

"Jesus Christ," I mumble. I sit up and look out and see that Mom is watering the flowers in the garden. A smile covers my face and I turn around and grab my handy dandy clothes for the day.

Grabbing my black sweats, hoodie and undergarments and head to the bathroom. I lock the door and quickly strip down and hop in the shower. Washing my hair and body, I'm out of the shower in eight minutes and wrap a towel around my waist.

I grab my toothbrush and place a little toothpaste on it and brush my teeth. Once finished, I dry myself and hop into my outfit for the day.

Grabbing the towel, I give my hair a quick dry and pop everything else in the basket so I haven't made a mess for Mom.

Walking back to my room I grab all my shit, including my glasses so I don't go blind. Making my way downstairs, I see Luke in his stool making a mess with whatever food he was given. He spots me from his highchair and waves it me with his hand covered in some pink food looking thing.

I walk to the fridge and grab a bottle of water and apple before taking a wipe and wiping around his mouth. He giggles and grabs my cheeks in his small hands. "Skool tofay?" He asks while chewing.

I nod and kiss his forehead, "Yep, see you later yeah?" I ask while taking a bite of the apple. "Stay good for momma alright."

He smiles happily and waves goodbye before talking to himself while I make my way out the front door. When the door shuts, Mom turns around and her eyes widen before putting down the gardening supplies and standing up. "So glad I didn't have to get you up today." She says while walking over to me.

I chuckle, "Yeah, had a feeling I was gonna be late." I pull out my phone and check the time to see that it's almost eight. "And I was right." I tell her while putting the phone back into my sweatpants and looking back down at her. "See you later?" I ask.

She reaches up to pull me down to put a quick kiss on my cheek before patting my other cheek. "Alright my sweetheart." She tells me with a smile.

Looking across the street I notice that all the lights are off at Ria's house. Looking back at mom she has a knowing smile on her face. "She hasn't left, I haven't seen her." She tells me before going back to the garden.

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