Chapter Eight.

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Aria Stone

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Aria Stone.

After leaving Grey's house, we hop into his luxurious car and make our way to McDonalds. I knew I should have brought money with me when I left my place but my brain was fuzzy when I saw Grey's car pull into his driveway.

I turn and look at his side profile before saying, "You're not paying for me." I tell him.

He gives me a side glance before flicking on the indicator before making a left then smirking, "Yeah I am Ria, so shut it. I have money and don't even think about trying to pay me back."

I roll my eyes and turn up the radio to listen to the familiar tune coming out of the speakers. 'August', by Taylor Swift is one of my favourite songs of hers and it always makes me feel something.

I hum to the tune and drum my fingers against my thighs and look out the window. The familiar sign of McDonalds, literally makes my stomach rumble.

Grey parks the car and turns off the engine before stating, "Hungry are you?"

I let out a scoff and clearly lie through my teeth, "You wish."

He rolls his eyes before we both unbuckle our belts and hop out of the car. He locks the car and I walk over to him and smile.

I start the conversation again and tell him, "You are not paying. I stand my that." I cross my arms over my chest and raise my chin.

He just rolls his eyes and wraps an arm around my shoulders before we start walking, "Sure you are," he replies.

He opens the door and offers me to walk through the door first, and I do. I head over to the machine and turn to look up at him, "What're you thinking of getting?" I ask him while I scroll through the options.

I tilt my head to look up at him and he just smiles saying, "Just the Big Mac Meal will be fine," he looks back at the machine and selects his drink then looks at me, "Get what you want."

I nod and select many things like, McNuggets, a chocolate milkshake and even an ice cream. Grey looks up from his phone and grabs my hips and places me far enough from the machine to do the transaction.

He holds me back with one arm around my waist while I thrash against him, "Dude-" I start, "That is the single most idiotic thing you have ever done. I told you I was paying!" I tell him and pinch his arm.

His arm just tightens while he pays and we make our way to the table. I slide in while he slides in across the way, "Aria, I already told you I was paying, leave it." He says.

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