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Hello everyone! I am Pen-the-guin and I'm finally trying a fanfic that I've wanted to try for the longest time! So please enjoy!



I slowly sat up rubbing my head. What had happened?


My eyes began to adjust to see Amalia.

"W-what?" I mumbled.

"Are you alright? I think you hit your head." Amalia slowly asked.

I nodded remembering what had happened. We had just come through a portal that Orapo had made to destroy the gods...a tear slipped from my eye remembering Orapo.

"We're exactly are we?" Dally asked behind me.

I slowly stood examining my surroundings. White pillars stood everyone, that made hallways that seemed to never end. Every direction was like that.

"I-I don't know..." I said softly. I had not expected this.

"Well let's go explore than!" Dally beamed stepping away, but Ava grabbed his arm.

"I think we need to think before me act." Ava said to all of us.

"I agree, we don't know what to expect." Ad added on.

"I think we should go explore first to see what we are working with." Goultard replied making Dally begin to walk again. Ava stopped him again.

"I belive we should stay here so we don't get lost"

"We should explore!"

"We should stay!"



Everyone began to yell over each other, get more and more upset.

"Stop!!" I yell.

Everyone stops and look at me.

"Look...we need to think, but we also need more info on our surroundings to make a plan."

Nobody said a word, until Ruel broke the silence.

"When did you sound so grown up?"

I felt my face redden. Do I really sound like that?


I wip around at the whisper. It sounded...familiar?


I turn the other direction frantically looking around.





I grab my head as it began to throb from everyone talking at once.




My vision began to blur as I stumbled.

"Stop...stop" I whispered.

I fell to my knees



The sounds began to combined as I fell, and the darkness consumed me.


I awoke to soft grass and the sun shining in my face.

"Were am I?" I asked siting up.

"Your home my king!"

I turned to the familiar voice. A woman with a big smile sat next to me. She wore a red dress with a red hat...just like mine.

"Are you an eliotrope?"

The woman giggled.

"I am indeed, Yugo... I can't wait to see you again, we all can't wait. We miss you so much..."


The woman continued to smile

"You don't remember...but we worked together, we flew together in the sky's. You were a king to many people who love you..."

The woman looked at the grass in deep thought

"Everything will be back to normal, now that your here. You can save us!"

I couldn't share her excitement. Save them? Save the eliotropes? I was told I was a king, but I never remembered being one.

"L-look, I know you remember me being this amazing king but...I'm not that anymore." I said slowly.

The woman's smile didn't falter.

"I belive in you."


I shot up gasping.

"Yugo!" Someone's arms wrapped around me. "We were so worried!" Amalia pulled away.

"How long was I out?"

Amalia hesitated.

"We can't tell the time here, but maybe a couple hours?"

"Were is everyone?" I asked standing.

"We decided to go into groups and search, there not very far."

I sighed with relief, but my thought still made my heart race. "Everything will be back to normal,now that your here. You can save us!" How could I save them if I didn't know who they were?

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