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Adami told us to wait. But my heart raced at the thought, Yugo was on the other side. I folded my arms feeling nervous until we heard adami yell from the other side. I couldn't wait longer.

"Amalia!" Ava called trying to grab me.

But I dodged running through the portal.

"You blumbering fool!" Adami snapped.

Who was this? This wasn't Yugo?

"Nice...to see-"

I gasped hearing something familiar... but something was diffrent. I rushed forward as he slowly slumped unconscious.

"Yugo...Yugo..." Adami called, laying him down.

Finally I could see under his hood. It was hugo. But he was much older. What happened? My hands shook as I brushed his hair that covered his face.

"What happened to him, adami?" I asked.

Adami grumbled, then kicked a rock in frustration.

"Yugo- thought he could heal the dofus's themselves - which requires his wakfu - so Hugo being Yugo made himself older- so his wakfu was stronger and healed the dofuses by himself! So now he is stuck- like this until he can recover!" Adami growled. Steam blew out if his nose, which made me nervous.

"Yugo's alright though, right?" I asked, not looking away from Hugo.

My face warmed, memorizing his strong but gental jawline. His soft hair- someone cleared there throat making me jump.

"I don't think it's polite to stare." Adami said behind me, which made me even more red.

"I wasn't staring!" I blurted, turning away.

"Of course." Adami said, rolling his eyes.

I started to object but froze not seeing a portal anymore.

"W-were is the portal!"

Adami looked at me like I said something stupid.

"Yugo's unconscious..." He said slowly, like I was a child. I stiffened.

"I know that!" I snapped.

"Do you? Or were you to focused on staring?" Adami retorted.

My face warmed as I stood, standing tall.

"Oh, the princess is making a stand. I'm so scared." Adami mocked.

Quickly I shot a vine in his direction, but he dodged.

"What is your problum!" I snapped, but he rushed forward grabbing my neck, choking me. He started to hiss as his eyes narrowed, like a snake. I gasped for air feeling my eyes water.

"Your... not adami" I rasped.

He began to shift growing snake scales.

"Well, I guess you aren't as dumb as we thought." He hissed, throwing me.

I screamed feeling my arm snap.

"That dragon was taken away while you were dreamily staring-"

I shot a vine with watering tears. He dodged rushing at me again. I dived to the side as he crash against the back wall. I whimpered holding my arm.

"Stop fighting me!" He snapped rushing at me. I rolled, dodging again.

"You shall join your friends, weither you like it or not!" He snapped impatiently, as I dodged a swipe.

His movement became faster so I stumbled back dhooting more vines. Buy was getting tired and my arm wouldn't move. I needed help.

"Adami!" I called. He must have still been around. He caught Yugo, right? But no response came.


I was slammed me against the wall. My vision blurred as I slumped to the ground in pain.

"Please..." I whimpered, trying to get up.

"Your ple-" he stopped.

"You...step away from her..." Someone said from behind him. It was the familiar voice, it was yugo. I wanted to cry on the spot with relief. But the monster just laughed swiping behind him. I watched as yugo dodge then punch the monster causing him to stumble. The monster was chackling now.

"I'll ripe you to pieces!" The monster snarled and swiped at him.

Yugo just dodged silently, wincing every once in a while. He's movment couldn't help but amaze me. They were much swifter and stronger. The monster grunted getting punched again.

"Leave!" Yugo demanded.

"Not until I leave with her and you."

Yugo growled then paused and closed his eyes. The monster took the chance to charge.

"Look o-" I shouted but gasped, Yugo had quickly pulled out two swords and before the monster could change course yugo swipped. The monster gasped, then slowly stumbled back clawing at the two slashes.

"You will not...win this...yugo." The monster chocked, before falling dead. Yugo sighed silently and stumbled back. I tried getting up again ignoring the pain, but I just fell again. I whimpered, which caught yugos attention.


I looked up and slowly smiled. Yugo stumbled forward and sat down, exhausted.

"How are you?" I asked.

Yugo chuckled, which warmed my heart.

"Your asking how I am? Your clearly more hurt." Yugo replied, gesturing to my arm.

I looked down and winced looking at how purple it was.

"May I?" Yugo asked slowly. I looked up into yugos soft tired brown eyes as he slowly reached for my arm.

"I'll be carful." Yugo promised, which felt true.

We sat in silence as he gently heald my arm. Then something amazing happened. My arm began to warm against his hands then began to shine with shades of blue. I could feel the warmth settle inside my arm like a warm hug, healing the broken bone. Then it went away. I watch in amazement, no longer feeling any pain. I giggled with relief and hugged yugo.


Yugo slumped against me. I sighed and smiled. "You rest, you need it" I said softly. We had gotten Yugo back. But everyone else was taken, and I couldn't help but dreade to tell yugo when he awoke again.

"I'll stay by your side,Yugo. Even with all of the war we might face...I promise"

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