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"What do you mean, he's back to destroy?" Ad asked beside me.

I looked at my brother and winced at the memory of him. He had fallen the hardest...I had watched him die... my eyes watered. I quickly wrapped my arms around my brother.

"I'm sorry ad. I'm so sorry..." I hugged him tighter.

"Yugo, you know I already forgave you?" Ad chuckling.

I slowly noded. Ad and would never be apart, I'd make sure of that.

"You still haven't answered us." Ava said behind me.

I sighed rubbing my tears away and looked at everyone.

"There is something out there that has been destroying everyone relm...he's been destroying for many many many years." I glanced at ad. "Including our relm ad..."

Ad stiffened.

"You remember?" He asked quietly. I slowly nodded looking away.

"He was there at wildwood, he stopped me... he said I was back to stop him again, then showed me the...battle" my voice shook.

"We've stopped many monsters, this one is no diffrent" Dally said smirking. Elaly cheered in reply.

"Dally's right...for once." Amalia replied.


"You don't understand what he does." I interjected. "He killed me, ad, and all the adult elelatropes. He did it in a matter of minutes-"

"You didn't have us!" Dally called over me. "Yugo, I might look dumb sometimes, but I know for a fact that we can do anything."

"Woah..." flopin and Alaly whispered in awe.

I sighed not wanting to fight this any longer.

"Yugo, you are not facing this alone, let us help." Amalia said softly.

"I don't even know if we're going to, I don't know what he is planning or how to avoid it!"

"Then let's abserve our surrounding to see what we have." Ava quoted. "You planned that on the spot, you know this thing more then us, we trust you."  Ava continued.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you guys."

Everyone smiled back.

"Well what do we do first?" Dally asked looking around.

I thought of the things we had already known. I can't wait to see you again. I froze as peices began to turn. Was she wanting me to find her? Would she know more?

"I...I think we need to find someone." I said quietly.


"I don't know her name, but when I passed out. A Elatrope woman spoke to me, she said she couldn't wait to see me again. I think-she wants us to find her."

Everyone still looked confused but they noded.

"Were is she?" Ad asked.

I hesitated. She was on our relm in my vision. But I didn't know were that was.

"Ad, I want to try something." I sat gesturing for ad to sit as well.

"We might be awhile." I told everyone else, who grumbled and wandered towards the flower's.

"What are we doing?" Ad asked me.

"I think she is on our relm, but I don't know were that is, so I think if we work together we can find it through wakfu."

Ad crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't think that's how that works."

"Please?" I pleaded.

Ad rolled his eyes then closed them. I did as well. We began to open our minds to the wakfu that surrounded us. I started to think about out relm, the grass under my fingers and the blue sky. I thought of the war and our world crumbling. The wakfu around us began to warm with something new and diffrent.


Woah! Ad I can here you!

I think something diffrent...

I smirked.

Told you it would work

You neve-

I think we need to use this

I stood still having my eyes closed. I focused on a specific wakfu that flowed strongest and tried to make a portal. Of course it probably didn't work, but I still walked forword. Maybe to get a different approach.


You don't have to yell I said wincing

Were are you!

What do you mean?

Open your eyes yugo...

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped. I was here, I had gone through a portal. To my world.

We're are you?

A-ad, I think I found it, I think I found our world....

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