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After an hour of waiting and watching, we finally spotted everyone heading back.

"Did you find anything?" Amalia asked.

Sadly everyone shook there heads.

"We need to think of a new strategy." Ush commented and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Maybe you can make a portal out Yugo!" Elyle said.

It was worth a shot. I began to make a portal but something felt different this time.

"Woah..." everyone gasped.

The portal was green this time, not the normal blue color. Plus it was much much bigger.

"Let me-" I began to state, but ad cut me off.

"You can't go alone. You might not know your way back."

"I can't take everyone." I explained. "I wouldnt be able to hold it."

"Let's think of something else then."

"This is the only thing we have right now, what choice do we have."

"Theres always a choice!"

And just like that we were fighting again. And last time that happened I had lost him. I sighed. I couldn't lose him again.

"All right." I closed the portal.

"Is there anything else we can do?" I asked.

"I know!" We jumped to see a little purple flower.

"My name is Lavender, nice to meet you!" The flower had a soft child voice.

"What are you?" Dally asked, I groaned.

"I'm a flower silly" Lavander giggled.

"Well I know that!" Dally grumbled. "What I meant was are you a monster?"

The flower shook its head.

"My people and I are peaceful creatures."

"Were did you come from?" Amalia asked hesitantly.

"I come from wildwood forest." Lavander replied.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

The flower turned to me.

"Threw you portal, Yugo."

I froze, while the little flower giggled again.

"It's been awhile sense you come to play with us!"

"W-what?" I mumbled in confusion.

"You always come play with us when you visit my kingdom!"

I glanced at everyone who stood just as confused.

"Look, I don't remember any of that."

The flower hesitated. Then walked closer to me.

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